Umbagog camping question

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Feb 27, 2004
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Hi all, I somehow managed to get a site on Umbagog for this weekend, there must have been a cancelation. ;) My question is has anyone paddled their way across the upper portion of the lake from either the Androscoggin or Magalloway? Our site is in Maine, just below where the Rapid river comes into the lake. (R13) I have camped on the lake a number of times, but never up that high, and am not sure if the kiddos could paddle the entire length from the campground, and we were thinking of putting in at either the Androscoggin or Magalloway instead. Any views on this? The kids are 12, 12, 13, & 14, but not the most active kids I've meet... We are having the campground bring out some stuff, so riding on the party barge is an option for them, an adult will be there too. Just wondering times and such. Thanks in advance. Oh, if anyone else on the board is out there this weekend swing by and say hello! :)
Chinooktrail,we have kayaked the north end of the lake many times and camped all over the north end.
I would advise you to put in at the Errol Dam on the Androscoggin. It's a fairly protected paddle to the lake. Look to the left as you paddle out of the river into the lake,and you will see the eagle nest-always an awesome sight. I would advise you to try to paddle as early in the morning as possible to avoid the wind that often builds in the afternoon. If the wind is down,it's a fairly easy paddle across(aim for the house with the red roof-that's Pine Point).One you get around the corner it's easy. Paddle up aways on the Rapid to the bottom of the whitewater,and the kids will enjoy the cruise back down-quick water,but safe enough. Stop in at Northern Waters in Errol if you need more info.
Happy Paddling!
Wow, thanks for the quick replies, this board is the BEST! :)
I think I will take your advice and paddle from the dam. Thanks for the pointer of the house to look for, that will help a lot. I took another look at the map, and the campsight is actually just above where the rapid enters the lake. We will certainly head up the river to take a few rides. The kids have really taken to kayaks, it is so much more fun to be under your own power, and it gives them such a feeling of independence. The weather sounds like it will be great too. I wish that we could get a really early start over, but did I mention that the kids are teenagers... Not very likely. I am guessing that the wind probably picks up around 2 or 3, and we hope to be on land and setting up camp by then. I have paddled on the Androscoggin several times and seen the eagles, we just always turned around after reaching the lake. Any guess on a time it would take? I am thinking 3 or 4 hours. I know that there are a lot of factors, but I just do not have a good idea of paddeling timing... :eek: I am just really excited to get out camping again! ;) Thanks Christine
Hi, thanks for the heads up, I believe we will just paddle up to where it gets to be 'quick water' and turn around. Just out to see new things and have fun in the water. Hopefully we will not be carried away by the bugs... They are pretty brutal here at home.It will be fun just to be sleeping on the ground again! ;)
I know there are raccoons at Cedar Stumps(we had our trash bag "stolen",guy in the next site found his wallet about a hundred feet from his backpack :eek: .
I'm betting there's "visitors around your site too. Make sure you "raccoon-proof" your food.
Happy Paddling!
chinooktrail: 3 hours is VERY ambitious. It is about 2 to Umbagog with light loads. Figure 4 to 5 hours to be safe. If windy, you can hug the northern shore, but this adds quite a bit to your distance. I'm planning to be up there again end of September. It's a beautiful area!
Thanks again for all the info. We had a BLAST!! We made it over to the campsite 'area' in about 3 hours, because we wanted to help out the one person who rode on the campground boat with the kids. We met up in a cove, because the campground man did not know where the site was. He was young and it was his first summer. Nice kid, very freindly and helpful. We found the site, with people still camping, who had no intention of leaving. They did, enough said. Loved the site, loved the paddleing, loved floating around and playing extreme croquet. A good time was had by all. Special thanks to Kayak Dan for the 'red roof' tip. That worked out perfect. Thanks, once again the people on this site helped me out, you all are the best! :) Christine