Even though the northern presis was on the fringe of the storm ( 4 to 5 inches in Gorham). this additional snow has made things interesting in the woods. Normally the snow layers compact between storms making a firm base over the rocks and voids under the snow. This is not currently the case, there is a now a fairly deep layer of fluff on top of ice covered rocks and many trails have flow ice running down them under the fluff. This makes Katoolas practically useless as there is just enough snow compaction to plug them up. Sliding down trails is also difficult as under that nice fluffy snow are very solid rocks and using Microspikes, its quite easy to loose traction descending and go for an inadvertently slide. Snowshoes may be of some help and given the forecast for warmer temps on Sunday the snow may consolidate but for now there is a lot to be said for full crampons and a slow deliberate pace.