Up for a hike?


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New member
Jul 10, 2004
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Will be camping in Newcomb for the week of July 19th. Anyone interested in bagging a peak or two? I usually hit the trailhead around 7 AM. I need Couch...Redfield/Cliff...Colvin/Blake...Street/Nye...Seymour...Basin/Saddleback/Haystack...Grey/Skylight...Ester/Whiteface. I'm strictly a fair weather day hiker. Will drive to any trailhead. I'm open for 20th, 21st, 22nd. Any takers?
what pace?

Just curious what speed you like to travel and if you are interested in possible bushwhacks or slide routes?

spotter: tried to eMail you, but your settings prevent that. Easier to respond privately, so you might consider opening that up. I am planning Couchsachraga at the end of a long trip starting this Friday morning. I plan to be in the Santas from 7/20-22, with the climb on the 21st.

Lots could change between then and now. Weather report is less than promising (8 days of rain and T-Storms forecast) so I may be fed up by the time the Santas leg of the hike comes up.

I'm posting my "planned" itinerary shortly - weather dictates a lot of it :(

Are you interested in bagging the dix range?
If not I am open to other options. I have climbed about 35/36 of the high peaks so I still need quite a few..... including Dixes, Red/Cliff, Marshall.
So far my work schedule has me pretty open the week of the 19th. Just let me know your plans.
Did the Dixes last year - a great trip. I'm leaning toward Street/Nye and/or Phelps/Tabletop. I've done 26 of the 46. Not interested in bushwacks or slides. Just looking for a fairly conventional hike. I keep a decent pace. I'm neither a speed demon nor a slow poke. I like to think I move fairly quick, but I'm not in as good shape as I'd like to think, and I'm not hesitant to stop to catch my breath if I need to.... but I don't stop and look at every wildflower and mushroom along the trail either. If this is of interest, post a reply. I'll check here again tomorrow (Thursday), and we leave Friday to drive up to the ADKs (coming from VA, so it takes a while).
have a great trip!

I am interested in doing some alternate routes and thought some new faces would be fun.

I hope the thunder storms let up for your trip!:)
stupid question?

I don't want to sound stupid, but was your comment directed to me or spotter?
Are you interested in hiking either the Dixes or Cliff/Redfield this weekend?
to alistair:

Hi Alistair!
I was responding to spotter. Not sure if I can hike this weekend. I wish you well on your hike!
Not hiking this weekend. Looking at Street/Nye on Tuesday or Wednesday.