Update - Goal Achieved - Hiked Mt Washington and Presi Traverse


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Keep Walking

New member
May 17, 2012
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I know that this might be suited for a trip report, but I really wanted to share with people here my pride for doing the traverse (multi day) after having started hiking in earnest only this year.

So, just wanted to follow up on my previous posts on starting to hike in earnest earlier this year and setting the goal of hiking Mt Washington by the end of the hiking season.

I'm glad to report that I achieved the goal! This past Sunday thru Tuesday I embarked along with some friends on a 3 day, 2 night Presi Traverse. Not only did I summit Mt Washington, but also Jefferson, Adams, Madison and the rest of the presidential clan! Stayed at Lakes the first night and RMC's Gray Knob shelter he second night. Third day - yesterday - was by far the most challenging. Pouring rain and hail, 60 mph winds with gusts to hurricane force atop Adams and Madison and no visibility whatsoever. But I did it!

You guys here helped me a lot with suggestions and training ideas. I started off with several strenuous hikes in the Hudson valley like Breakneck, Bear Mountain, Schunemunk, etc. I also did some hiking in the Gunks. Finally, I did the Burroughs Range loop with a spur to Giant Ledge and Panther Mountain in the Catskills as an overnight, spending the night at Woodland Valley. In hindsight, this was excellent training. The scrambles up to Wittenberg, Cornell and Slide were as challenging or more challenging than any terrain I encountered along the Presi traverse. Also, the distance and elevation gain and losses felt comparable in my opinion. However, nothing could prepare me for yesterday's inclement weather! Fortunately, I had the right gear and was able to make it back safely.

Thanks again to all here who helped me figure it out! Many helped with every stage of the process, especially suggesting shelters along the Presi Traverse for the second day, given that the huts were full and suggesting training options for the traverse. The Burruoughs Range with the Panther spur was really perfect. People in the New York forum really helped out with that!

I feel very proud of what I did!!!
You should be proud, having, setting, and achieving goals like that! What's next?
You should be proud, having, setting, and achieving goals like that! What's next?

Thanks!! Really excited and proud. Fortunately, I've done may things in my life that I'm proud about, but I must say this ranks up there. It's quite an experience. In April when I started hiking I thought Washington was almost out of reach. Difficult to believe that I not only summitted Washington, but also the rest of the presidents along the ridge.


(1) Pemi Loop
(2) Devil's Path
(3) Great Range

Will definitely do the Pemi Loop before the end of the season. Devil's Path might get done this season, but I'm not sure. Great Range is probably not doable this season, but definitely next year. Having great hikes to look forward to is awesome!
A hearty congratulations. WAY TO GO!!! :cool::D
Really cool. Good on you ! Congratulations.

(Remember though regarding bad weather: They'll still be there when the sun comes out, make sure you are too !)