VFTT hike - Noonmark 1/29/05


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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2003
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Near the Adirondack Blue Line
Below is an excerpt of the original notice on another thread. Given the number of folks who've messaged me, we needed to select a date so lets do it on Saturday, 1/29/05.

Noonmark is 3,456' with a round trip of around 5 miles and approx 2,000' ascent. There are views here and there on the way up, the last few hundred feet are out in the open, and the open rocky summit has a a 360 degree view. It looks up at Giant Mt, the Dixes,The Great Range, and many more of the high and low peaks surrounding it. Many feel it has among the best views for the effort in the High Peaks.

It is a great trip any time of the year, but spectacular in winter. Haven't set a date yet as I want to run some dates past a few friends who would probably like to participate, but probably mid to late January.
The trailhead is about 10 min from exit 30 of the Adirondack Northway, in the Ausable Club, right off of route 73. There are small bed and breakfasts, small motels and some places that put up hikers in dorm settings as well as the standard accomodations in Lake Placid which is about 30 min away. There are also motels in the Schroon Lake area about a half hour south on the N'way.

If there is enough interest, we can organize hikes from 2 or 3 different approaches. The is an ambitious bushwack that can be done with an earlier start from Bear Den Mt. I've done the Bear Den-Noonmark bushwack a number of times, but not in the winter. There is also the standard route up from the Ausable Club, or from Round Pond on route 73.

There are lots of places in the area for food and drink afterward, and Brian and Spence would probably have some good recommendations about that.
This could be a lot of fun if folks want to participate.
Sounds doable for us

So far, so good for us. Tentitive yes for all 4 of us. Not to speak for Katie and the kids, but I'm sure they'll be happier with the (likely) broken out "traditional" route. Me? Either way is fine. Oddly enough, the thought of a good bushwhack through deep, unbroken snow on steep terrain full of spruce traps sound's somewhat appealing :cool:
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I hiked up Noonmark last summer for the first time, along with the Dubois clan, Coldfeet, and several others. It has a lot of "bang for the buck". On a sunny January day, it will be specatcular. I, however, will be in full peakbagging mode then, and won't be able to make that hike. Have fun.
Been sick as a dog for the past week :( but I'm hoping to be fit again by then!

Add me as a probable. I'll likely talk one of my hiking partners into this as well but would still have room for one or two others who might want to car pool from the Springfield, MA area.

I can go if I survive the winter gathering and my wife's anger! It's far away but I could go up Fri night (maybe with Warren) but I have to go home Sat. night. I wonder how tired I would be? What do you think? Peakbagr, with your experience what is the starting and ending time for something like this?
2 of us will be leaving Albany around 6:15 am and we'd have room for 2 more to jump in for the ride to Keene Valley. Good for anyone who might like to break up a long ride from somewhere else.
If we leave the AMR around 9am, probably about 2 to 2.5 hours to the top.
More if the snow is deep.

We'd be back to the cars by 2:30 - 3:00pm and then head someplace for a bite and a beverage.

With timing like peakbagr plans, heading back to NYC after dinner is possible for me, but I usually don't like doing that. 5+ hour drives are best done (for me) when I'm fresh. The positive side is that traffic on a Saturday night is almost pleasant.
Count me in. Carla, too. And I think JayH is riding up with us. Jay?

Anyone else from the NJ area needing a ride, or anyone along I-87, please PM or email me. We are planning to drive up Friday afternoon and stay until Sunday morning.
Warren..right now i'm dreaming about trips.. when it gets closer then I'll think about it..I teach on Sunday mornings and I can't miss any more classes..
I'm a definite maybe (?!) which means I want to be there but can't confirm until I see my son's hockey schedule for next year. Going off topic: what the heck is the Blue Line?
Neil said:
I'm a definite maybe (?!) which means I want to be there but can't confirm until I see my son's hockey schedule for next year. Going off topic: what the heck is the Blue Line?

Neil... The Blue line is the perimeter of the Adirondack Park if I'm not mistaken. Maybe someone else can explain how they came up with "Blue"... Maybe that's the color of most of the residents living inside the line? ;)

I would like to add that I am a strong possibility for this trip.
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From ADK guidebook:

"In 1892, the legislature created the Adirondack State Park, consisting of Adirondack Forest Preserve land plus all privately owned land within a somewhat arbitrary boundary surrounding the Adirondacks, known as the "blue line" because it was drawn in blue on a large state map when it was first established. In 1894, in response to continuing abuses of the Forest preserve law, the state's voters approved the inclusion of the 'forever wild' portion of that law in the constitution of New York State, thus creating the only preserve in the nation that has constitutional protection."

And, to stay on topic, Joanne and I are planning to go. We are in the Albany area and may be able to offer a ride to one or two.
In the hills above Hong Kong

but thinking of the Adirondacks. I loved Noonmark and would love to go back again. Maybe I'll join you - think snow shoes would do?

The knee has been holding up very well in the hills around Hong Kong and Hong Kong University No wonder Jon likes it here. Although, I must confess we took the cog railroad up Victoria Peak, there are a surprising number of hiking and climbing options available. Alas, no snow - just 72 degrees and overcast.

Who knew I would be thinking of snow? Noonmark could be fun!
China tomorrow - Macau on Thursday. Back to NYS Sunday.
Does it ever snow in Hong Kong? :) I was there back in 2001 in March and it was hot and humid. We did go up to Victoria Peak too but since I have uncles and lots of cousins there, they drove us so we neither hiked nor took the tram/railway there. We spent some time on Lantau Island (where the airport is) and it looks like there are some designated camping sites there and also some MTB trails.

I remember walking through Mong Kok and seeing a lot of really expensive FS bikes, Intense M1s, etc. And I did see a guy in a Gary Fisher climbing a hill with full road gear on but other than that, mostly commuter bikes and stuff.

In china, there are bike "shops" on a lot of street corners. From a bike tourer and a all year bike commuter, that was awesome, seeing everybody just cycling everywhere.

Back on subject... As Rob stated, I'm trying to see if I can make this. Due to my mom and pop's health, I might not be able to make the NH gathering, but the ADKs might be doable and I haven't been to the ADKs in winter yet...
