VFTT hike - Noonmark 1/29/05


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Neil said:
I'm a definite maybe (?!) which means I want to be there but can't confirm until I see my son's hockey schedule for next year. Going off topic: what the heck is the Blue Line?

Wait a sec, Neil. Your son plays hockey and you don't know what the heck the "blue line" is? ;) Must be a Center, I used to pretend it wasn't there, too.

Anyway, is it the 22nd or 29th? I mght be in.
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Blue Line

Neil I believe the blue line is is the boundry line of the Adirondack Park, Catskill Park, etc. So when someone says I live just outside the blue line....they are only a few miles from the park....must be nice eh?

If i am wrong in this statement someone please correct me.

Also back on topic! I have never hiked Noonmark but would I need crampons? Or would my crampons on my snowshoes be enough?

If we have lots of snow all the way, snowshoes should be fine.
If we have lots of ice, it could be trickier, but the amount of open terrain is not so long that folks with just snowshoes will probably have any serious problems.
I'm the same as hikethe115. Might do a different hike and meet for the after hike event.
Thats a great suggestion, but we'll probably look for post-hike refreshments a little closer to Keene Valley as the majority of folks will be coming from the south or east.
We'll probably do a rough head count when we get closer so we can warn the restaurtant we're coming.
I'm very interested...planning on it unless "LIFE" gets in the way.
I would like to say that I'm sorry I won't be able to make this hike, but I'm not sorry as the Wednesday after I'll be heading to Baxter for my first ever trip there. I gather I'll have too much stuff to take care and two long solo drives in several days is just too much for me.

I do think the tradition on these social hikes should continue so maybe next time...
Is this trip still on?
Yes, thought I'd let us get closer before talking about it again. Once we have numbers, probably a good idea if someone could let a local KV or Keene pub know how many are coming. I thought Lake Placid was too far in the "other" direction for those heading south, north or east after the hike.
Trip is still on. 9am at the AMR parking lot.
As much as I regret this, I may not be there though. On the heels of 2 back to back colds, last Friday I came down with the worst case of the flu I've ever had. Fever, shakes, chills, aches and no sign of it abating. I'll be happy to be able to even walk sometime this week. I'll be monitoring this.

My wife and I are planning on being there and we have invited one or two friends.
We are planning on it. However, my wife doesn't own crampons. Is there anyone going (or not going but who lives in the Albany area) who might have a another pair we could borrow? Otherwise, she'll try to make do with MSR snowshoes.
We, sadley, have to back out of this weekend's hike. My son, the rotten kid that he is, qualified for an important swim meet this weekend, and he really ought to attend (it's an honor and pride thing).

Man, I'll be glad when those darn kids grow up and me and the mrs. get a little "us time" :rolleyes:

Hopefully we'll still find some time to get out and hike with as many of you as possible in the coming months.
The forecast calls for warmer weather on Sat. which is good but cloudy which is not as good. Can anyone recommend a decent motel near the TH?
Lets have a show of hands from those who will be there for this hike. 9:00am AMR parking lot.
Unfortunately, we will be unable to attend. My nephew's confirmation is tonight at 7:30pm, (I am his sponsor), with dinner at a restaurant afterward. Considering the 5+ hour drive up from NJ, it just isn't gonna happen. :( I was waiting until the last minute to respond here, hoping that something would change so that we could go. But no such luck. (For the life of me I'll never understand why any church would hold this in January. Mine was held in June, my neice's last year was held in May ............ sorry, I'm just bitter because I seem to have the worst planning skills lately.)
As much as I'd love to get out, I'm still too incapacitated to do this tomorrow.
The flu really had its way with me. As strange as it seems, a 4 mile hike carrying a pack is beyond me right now. I'm hoping to get some walking in over the weekend. Have fun, I'm envious.
