VFTT Monodnock trip - 10/9/04


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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2003
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Near the Adirondack Blue Line
I apologize for the long delay in getting back to folks.
After checking with the co-organizer on dates and corresponding with folks in PMs, we're going to shoot for Saturday, 10/9 at the main parking lot, 9am.

We have lots of time between now and then to discuss further particulars. The 9am starting time will allow those who have significant drives a little extra time to arrive.
We can discuss whether our party should be 1 group or more depending on how many want to participate.

Post hike: A number of us will be coming in from parts of NYS, so my personal preference is a locale that is reasonably close to the trailhead, or doesn't involve opposite-from-home driving for the majority of the hikers who are coming in from a distance.
Me too :)

I'm slow so I'll probably start earlier and I'll happily co-ordinate a slow hikers group if anyone else feels similarly speed challenged.

I'm game as long as I don't end up having a family get together that weekend. As for a post-gathering spot, there's a nice little pub in town, off a little sidestreet by a movie theater and bookstore. Of course, the name of it escapes me right now! But I can find out and post it in case anyone's interested.
I have hiked this mountain many times in all seasons (until recently I lived in Fitchburg, Massachusetts).

If you're planning on a fall hike, the Red Spot trail is a nice way to go - lots of deciduous trees.

For those who want a really challenging hike, take the Red Spot trail for a short distance and then head to the Spellman trail. It is basically a "slide" trail with a lot of terraced ledges (none more than 10 feet or so individually). I did this one in the winter once, and while it was very slow getting anywhere with the snow and all, it was quite exciting.

IMO, the best trail for getting away from crowds (which may not be possible anyways given the number of people who said they want to go) is the Cliff Walk Trail. Despite the name, there aren't any parts that are that crazy. This is also my favorite winter trail, if anyone wants to hike it later on some time.

I'd be up for it, but I'd have to carpool. I'm living in Boston now, so if anyone who is going is from the area, let me know. I would also need to know which trail before I go, because I haven't done anything in months and I'd rather not jump back to something overly strenuous.

By the way, if you haven't hiked this mountain before, I will tell you now... be ready for some disappointment as you near the summit. The rocks are practically polished from the number of boots that have climbed this peak, and there is almost always some litter on the summit.
Bummer, I was really hoping to do this. That weekend won't work for me. Also, that is Columbus day weekend and from past experience, Monadnock will be mobbed!! Not that I'm saying this in hopes that the date will change;) just want you to be aware. Have a great time!
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Count me as a possible. It's a bit of a long drive for me and I may
rather do something closer to home...but I haven't been to Monadnock in about 12 years! It would be nice to see an old friend.
Columbus Day weekend, yikes! Oh the (multitudes of) humanity!

Definitely avoid any trail with "White" in its name. Cascade Link to Red Spot or Spellman (or even Pumpelly) should be somewhat less crowded. Better still, you might start by heading west on the Parker and go up by way of Lost Farm, Cliff Walk, etc.

If you come later than 9, you might find the main lots full and be directed over to Gilson Pond, in which case you'd take the Birchtoft to the Red Spot or Spellman.

Have a ball, y'all. I'm off to the Whites that weekend.
It will be real hard to find a place to stay I believe if the weathers good. Leaf watchers.

Also the park will be packed. It usually is on Columbus day weekend.

I'd get to the parking lot early they might shut it down.
You guys can call there anytime during the day and get an idea of what might be the case there. All I know is I've talked to them before about Columbus day and it sounded wild.

Maybe meet at another trail head there.

I did a hike there Wed. past and by 1pm the first lot was full and maybe some up the second.

I would have gone but no way now.

good luck
Count me as about a 75% maybe. I think I can do it, but I've got my friend's wedding stuff in October so those responsibilities come first.
Peakbagr -

Do you have to contact the park to let them know about group size or anything?

The reason I'm asking is that I'm hosting a little fundraiser hike/bbq there the following Sunday and not sure if I have to contact the park to let them know.

The website for Monadnock talks about group camping, but nothing about group hiking.

That weekend isn't good for me so I'm out. Hope you all have good weather and good times.
Blue, and all,

I live near Mt. Monadnock so I took it upon myself to call them about this group Hike. Yes, it was necessary to call they said, and we are scheduled for arrival at 9:00am Saturday, October 9th. I told them we would have about 15-20 people from the VFTT forum arriving in personal cars. It's $3.00 a person at the gate and that includes a map which you can ask for if it is not offered to you.

If they have any problems they will contact me and I will post here. Then we'll just pertend we're not a group.:D

See you all there,
Bob Palmer
Please forgive me if this was already addressed but ... do you know if dogs are allowed at Monadnock? If so, is anyone else planning on bringing their pooches. A friend may join us, and she'd like to take along her dog if possible.
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