VFTT Secret Sign


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We met Docross this weekend at Baxter State Park, on the Brothers Loop somewhere! Didn't even have to say Alligator Egg or Chimp Heinie or any of those silly things. All I said was "are you Docross?" and he said yes! That's the new secret sign... "Are you Docross??"

-Dr. Wu
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Mark Schaefer said:
Today I encountered VFTTer ROCKYSUMMIT (Tony) and his hiking partner at the Hurricane Ledge lookout on Kaaterskill High Peak. I met Tony for the first time just 10 days ago on the summit of Panther. What are the chances two Catskill VFTTers could randomly cross paths twice in that span of time? I regret that I did not properly introduce myself on that first meeting as we did not establish our mutual VFTT status.:eek: But Tony saw my Panther trail condition report and made the connection. As others have said sometimes just talking is sufficient.

This reminds me of how ROCKYSUMMIT met his first VFFTer:

He hiked to the top of Hunter Mountain one fine winter day this year and said to the first people he met, "Dr. Wu, I presume."

And it worked. Turns out he had read Wu's trip posting. He didn't join the hike, but guessed correctly when he saw us at the summit that one of us was Dr. Wu.

So I think this should be the secret code message. If "Dr. Wu, I presume" is too long-winded for those oxygen-starved moments, try simply shouting "Wu!"
Too close to 'Woo-Hoo,' as in what gets screamed repeatedly at Sox games when the man-in-the-street announcer is trying to do a piece nearby.

Perhaps one could quote the entire Steely Dan discography in chronological order whenever one crosses paths with another? A million bucks for whoever gets to "Pretzel Logic" before being pied in the face.

Trying to be reasonable here.
Artex said:
One member of our pressie traverse said "alligator egg" several dozen times to other hikers this past weekend. I won't mention her name, but it starts with ME and ends with B. No bites, but the confused look on people's faces was priceless. :D

Well after a while we kinda had it going as part of the conversation. "Have a nice hike and Alligator Eggs to you." This was occasionally followed by "and no we are not drunk" especially when said hiker was within vicinity of a section were we were singing.

I think we ran into one VFTTer, and he was one of the few with didn't yell Alligator Eggs at.
The Sikes said:
Met someone out hiking coming down from Panter Sunday and they asked me where I got my VFTT shirt. I asked them if they even had heard of the site and they said yes, so I did the volcon sign and asked them if they had read the thread about the secret sign. I think they thought I was crazy. Oh well.

You would be Crazy to do the Valcun Sign and think that you were not "Crazy".....right Dr. Wu?
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How many people really do read this thread.

Pete_Hickey said:
Note that that will obnly work with those who have been following this thread. Many (most?) people here don'T read every thread.

I was out in the Dix range and about 80 percent of the parties that I met... about 6 or 7 groups, there was someone in each group that followed and/or posted to VFTT. Interestingly each group I had asked if they had seen any alligator eggs thought it was a trick question. I then had to go on to explain the nature of the bogus question. So while there may be many VFTTers out there it would be much more effective, to simply just ask... "do you follow any of the online forums"
secret sign

i got this sudden brilliant flash of insight on how to find out if another person is on vftt. look at them and say 'are you on views from the top?'...laffs..
hows THAT for a secret question? heeeeeeeeee
hikerfast said:
i got this sudden brilliant flash of insight on how to find out if another person is on vftt. look at them and say 'are you on views from the top?'...laffs..
hows THAT for a secret question? heeeeeeeeee
Yeah, right. Just wipe out nine pages of creative thought with one logical post. Thanks a lot! ( :D)
I haven't actually used it yet but my plan is to greet ones with the typical, "Hi, nice day, huh. I'd give it a green square." No reaction means they probably haven't been here. :D
Mr. X said:
Dr. Wu,

Maybe we could use this as the secret sign? Ask "Are you are a god?", just a thought.
I'm afraid that there are too many people who would answer "yes" and not realize that it has to do with VFTT. These are generally people that I would not want to engage in conversation with.

Alligator Egg was just speculation. Alligators don't even lay eggs, I think they have fruit. Anyway, It's just too unwieldy a phrase. Just pull down your pants and say "Views from the Top!!"

-Dr. Wu
Alligator Eggs work fine


alligator eggs worked for me and arghman on Moriah...because of "Alligator Eggs" We both now know skiguy.

skiguy knew how to work the eggs into a sentence...of course, if we were not from views we probably would have started funning! :D
sapblatt said:

alligator eggs worked for me and arghman on Moriah...because of "Alligator Eggs" We both now know skiguy.

skiguy knew how to work the eggs into a sentence...of course, if we were not from views we probably would have started funning! :D

I guess those are the chances you take...but I am definitely not pulling my pants down or given my nose a pick!
Well, if you really want a secret sign for Dr Wu, all you'd have to ask is "Can you hear me?"


Jay H said:
Well, if you really want a secret sign for Dr Wu, all you'd have to ask is "Can you hear me?"


FWIW, people recognize Dr. Wu all the time. I guess you need to grow your hair long and get a paste-on beard to look familiar to everyone.

-Dr. Wu
dr_wu002 said:
FWIW, people recognize Dr. Wu all the time. I guess you need to grow your hair long and get a paste-on beard to look familiar to everyone.

Yeah, I saw him playing outfield at Fenway Park and recognized him right away! I tried shouting "Alligator egg! Alligator egg!" to get his attention but, I got tazered by security before I could see if he heard me. :(
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