Views of Baxter (VOB) #2

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New member
Sep 4, 2003
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Maine Avatar: We could use some snow around here
I was in the Park again today (3 of the last 4 weekends :) ) and took some summit shots from another unfamiliar peak.

Like last time (VOB #1), guess what summit I'm standing on. In part b/c of the haze today, I think this will be difficult, so I've loaded two different views from the same summit.

View A
View B

I did a second summit today, too, but I don't think the summit picture will help anyone locate it...

Regarding the "second summit" picture, I could have sworn that someone here recently said all the Baxter State Park summits were open. Don't remember who it was, now. Maybe that's a summit that's under 3000 feet elevation? Lord Mountain? Is there a Spencer Mountain?
Well, I'm very impressed.

The first guess, got it! Way to go El-bagr. it is indeed Strickland. View A looks to Doubletop and View B looks to Center Mountain (which I climbed this past fall).


I don't remember the comment about the open summits, but I think that's correct that all the 3000 ft. peaks are open or have substantial views, but I'm working on all the summits in the park. Strickland, for instance, is only 2390. The second summit was Morse Mountain, at only 1774 feet.

to be honest, I haven't set the criteria for this list in concrete, although it has 56 peaks on it so far.

This is a fun game spencer - even though my guess was all wet! :D

After el-bagr's post, I checked the map and could see why he was right. Good job!
i dont know what the elevation is, but that summit that rises over the Fowler pOnds (Bald Mt.?) is very impressive to me. :)
This is a great game... I wish had more experience in Baxter. I really enjoy looking at the pictures though. September is the first of many trips to Baxter for me so hopefully I'll be able to make some guesses soon.
Funny, when Joanna and I went back again for the Traveler (the weekend after we were all there) we were coming down N. Traveler and I asked her what she thought about me taking a quick trip through the woods over to Bald and meeting her back at South Branch.

She laughed and we kept walking. But I was serious. She doesn't undestand why I come home bruised, scratched, dehydrated, generally punished, and overall as happy as a clam.
