Views of Baxter (VOB) #3

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center mtn!!! where's my prize!!!!!! :D :) :eek: :) :eek: :D ;) ;)
p.s. ...already havin' second thoughts :( ;)
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Post'r, I offered Center Mountain via PM despite similar misgivings: it looks close to the view from Center, but not quite right. I was wrong: not Center. Spencer gave me a personal clue that probably wouldn't help anyone else, but let's just say he had a less hazy day than I did.
do i get a second guess?? :D mcarthy mtn!! :)
final answer!! honest! :D
Well I'm glad I finally got someone to bite!

Nope, it's not Center or McCarty.

I really thought I did a VOB of Center but I guess not. Maybe I'll throw it up there when you are least expecting it.

I guess people have lost interest in VOB, huh? Do I just need to post some easier ones? I have plenty of those.

that's too easy. it's squirt dam mountain. correct??? :D :) ;) :eek:
i was just playin' around on the first 2 ;)
spencer said:
I guess people have lost interest in VOB, huh? Do I just need to post some easier ones? I have plenty of those.


Personally, I love these kind of threads! I say keep doing them, even if I or anyone else sucks at 'em. :D :D :D

I can't offer up a guess at this one though.
post'r boy said:
Artex said:
I say keep doing them, even if I or anyone else sucks at 'em.
you talkin' to me??? :D :D :D ;) :D :)

LOL! No, definitely didn't mean it like that. I just know I suck at them, but I didn't want to be a hog of all the suckiness so I tried to structure my sentence so it left it open to anyone else who thinks they might suck. :D
Is that Soubunge to the right of the foreground, and Center and Wassataqouit on the left mid ground.

You're in a helicopter!
Artex said:
I didn't want to be a hog of all the suckiness so I tried to structure my sentence so it left it open to anyone else who thinks they might suck. :D
Thanks for sharing Artex. :D
Looking at Indian w/ Baker behind...? (taken from Barren-Chairback ridge) Add me to the sucker/suckie list... :D
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As I'm sure you know, I'm in favor of keeping them going.

Spencer, I'm in the final stages of putting together a DVD that you and a few others here may enjoy... I'm only 8 months late (or is it 4 months early)?
Spencer, did you see any falcons up there? Olivia and I watched a pair of peregrines for a while when we at that point.
nope, didn't see any falcons and we were there for quite a while. saw lots of good color, although the pictures don't do it justice.

i'll be back tonight and tomorrow (although not the same summit) and hopefully the colors will be even better. of course, I won't get the views with the crazy rain that is forecasted.

how 'bout....

inscription rock!! :D last guess!!! :D
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more time was needed!!! i was goin' by process of elimination!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D
Now that the cat's out of the bag, did you take any pictures showing the area to the right (clockwise, or westerly) of the VOB#3? There was a prominent, distant cone-shaped mountain visible. I didn't have my compass that day so I couldn't take a bearing, but my subsequent map analysis hasn't been productive (at least in producing a name for the mystery peak).

I did snap a hazy shot of it, but those pics are stored elsewhere now... maybe I can drag them up tonight.