Wacky Peakbagging


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professor said:
I read once of an individual who claimed to have urinated on the summit of each of the 48 ....

Gee, I might have to rethink eating lunch on the summits.

It is kind of annoying that certain sections of the Whites are cut short on the DeLorme map. I suppose it is more of a touristy "wow look at all those trails!" kind of map. I find it odd that Ice Gulch is cut off at A11, and the very bottom of the Sandwich Range, M7 (or trails leading from it) is also cut short. As a graphic designer myself, I imagine The Man said, "It has to be under 18x24"...and then later someone in some meeting said, "The trail names are too small, I can't read them." So some cropping here, some cropping there...You get the idea.

There is a map that is hanging at most ranger stations in the Whites that is a one color portrait oriented map. I believe it is green. It is very simple and clear, about as large as DeLorme's, and I think it encompasses more trail area. I have heard that it is out of print. I want that map.

So why doesn't the AMC, with all of their groovy Tyveknology, create a wall map that shows every section of New Hampshire that their seperate section maps show? What a money maker for them and I would buy it in a second, especially if it were 20x30.
miehoff said:
So why doesn't the AMC, with all of their groovy Tyveknology, create a wall map that shows every section of New Hampshire that their seperate section maps show? What a money maker for them and I would buy it in a second, especially if it were 20x30.

I saw, at REI, a Tyvek AMC map of the WMNF. It looked like the ones from the WMG, except it covered a larger area albeit at a lower resolution. This is the only time I've run into such a map. If the detail level was higher, I probably would have bought it. I can't say for sure exact how much it covered, but it was bigger then just the Pemi map, which in my case, is the most-used and most-abused of the set.

If you contact the DeLorme store in Freeport, they can customize any map you'd like for a price that is driven largely by its size I believe. However, it is based upon their data base so it may not be quite the same as the WMG maps joined at the edges.

Join at the edges ... that's what I did literally with pages from DeLorme when I wanted an overview of the 100 mile wilderness, Monson-Katahdin. I've loaded it with notes about access logging road, sporting camps within striking distance of the AT, paddling destinations etc. When I learn how to use a computer, maybe I'll create a more sophisticated version and share it with everyone. Maybe I'll go to jail for copyright infringement.

If I can get back to topic for a minute, a whacky bushwhack would be picking a different tune on a mandolin enroute each peak. Those that have not met miehoff may not know that in winter he is a mandolin hoar.
Yes Stan!

Now that is a challenge. I would call it pickbagging. I could also record it as I hiked and put out a 48 song cd. I would sell it and all proceeds would allow every VFTT'er to buy a ticket to go visit Darren. Stan, you are a man with ideas. I like that.
catskillclimber said:
How about the ADK 46 or Catskill 3500 mountain bike challenge (if you live to tell about it).
I know you are kidding, but that would be illegal, at least for most of them.

Here are some other wacky things I've heard of:

The New England Hundred Highest Naked! :eek: (Unfortunately, I witnessed a small part of this effort! :D )

The Catskill club chat board had a thread titled S-O-S, related to the aforementioned 48 climax idea.

46B - Bushwhack up all 46.

46C - 46 from all 4 compass points.

The Catskills (and I think the ADKs) have been done barefoot.

PinPin has done all the ADK HH in a single winter season!