Waumbek / Starr King / Weeks - Saturday 1/22/05


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Well-known member
Oct 21, 2004
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Kill Kaso, MA
Hello fellow VFTT'ers. I am planning a hike for Starr King (3907'), Waumbek (4006'), and Weeks (3885', 3684', 3901') on Saturday, January 22. The trails I'll be taking are Starr King Trail to Kilkenny Ridge Trail to York Pond Trail. The trip is approximately 12.5 miles with elevation around 3700' -- none of which seems too difficult judging from the map. However, a long car-spot is required so I'd say lets try to meet at the Starr King Trailhead at around 7:30am.

Temperatures for Saturday morning are expected to be -20F :eek: but mostly sunny :cool: with some wind :confused: so dress warm! I would take both snowshoes and crampons based on some recent trip reports dealing with this area. Also, the pace will be moderate, I guess -- I'd like to be out of the woods by 4pm.

Hope you all can join me -- should be some great hill walking on Saturday!

-Dr. Woo
I think I may join you on this one as well.....if it's too cold though I may just do an out and back to Waumbek.

Based on some private communications I had, perhaps an out and back would be better then the long car spot. However, I'm still shooting for at least South Weeks as I read that the woods between Waumbek and Weeks is quite nice. If we do an out and back, we'll just see how the group feels about the turn-back point.

Skimom: Wish you could make it! I'll be in the North Country the whole weekend so a Sunday Hike may be in order if you're interested.

Tom: Glad to have you aboard -- I'm really looking forward to this hike.

MaryEllen: Your idea sounds good but I hope it's nice enough to continue on to South Weeks at least. Glad you can make it!

I believe Jess (Sundog) will be there as well -- if she can get a decent pair of winter boots. Bring snowshoes and crampons. You guys know that though. Hope there are some other people out there interested in Saturday's round of Hill Walking!
How about another addition?

Any room on the roster for another hiker? I'm interested in doing an out and back type of hike as well. Would like to get Waumbek and maybe South Weeks as well, depending on how we are doing.

MarshallM said:
Any room on the roster for another hiker? I'm interested in doing an out and back type of hike as well. Would like to get Waumbek and maybe South Weeks as well, depending on how we are doing.


Marshall, there's room for 12 of you on Saturday's hike. Glad to hear you're interested -- it looks like several people want the in and out hike as opposed to the traverse so I guess we'll go with that. [Tom: do you oppose?] I'm really looking forward to hitting that ridge section between Waumbek and Weeks. I'd still like to do the traverse but maybe save that for another time.

So meeting at the trailhead at 7:30 -- is this OK with everyone? Leave your swim-trunks at home... this is going to be a cold hike!

-Dr. Wu
Starr King/Waumbek/Weeks Saturday Hikers: Could we all agree to an 8:00AM Start Time?

The little road to the trailhead is not plowed, so I believe you may have to park across Rt. 2 somewhere (at the Jefferson Swimming Pool -- junction of 115A and 2?). I'll be staying at Applebrook on 115A so I'll just walk there, probably. If I'm early I'll go take a dip in that swimming pool so look for me.

See you all there. Anyone else interested in joining, drop a line...

-Dr. Wu
8:00 start time sounds goods......Do you know how far it is to Weeks from Waumbek? If it's not too far I'm game for the trek over there too.

South Weeks adds an extra 5.0 miles round trip. Total trip mileage with South Weeks is about 12.5 miles. If you want to turn around after Waumbek, I wouldn't be surprised if some other people would be with you. Maybe all of us!

See you on Saturday!
Sounds like things are coming together

An 8:00 start time sounds great. Looking forward to hiking with you folks on Saturday. Might substitute the hand-warmers for the swim trunks for this one...

MaryEllen: I agree with Dr. Wu that you likely won't have a problem finding someone to hike back with after summiting Waumbek, if that's what you decide to do.

Welcome aboard NH_Mtn_Hiker!

If anyone really wants to do all three Weeks let me know and we could pull off the (long) car spot.

Remember, forecast calls for -20F temps at the trailhead. Bring your face mask, hand warmers, VBLs and anything else you need to be warm. I want everyone's fingers, toes and noses in tact by the end of the hike :D .


Dr. Wu
The group will most likely split into two: the people there to bag Waumbek who will turn around after the summit and the weirdos who have every mountain on their list and want to go onto Weeks. I'll be staying in Jefferson so I'll be literally a 1 minute drive from the trailhead. If anyone wants to be a hero they could meet me at the Starr King Trailhead at around 7AM and we can do the very long carspot to York Pond Fishery. I assume it's about 30 minutes each way but could be as long as 45 minutes, in my estimation. We would then be able to get back to the Starr King Trailhead so that both groups would be able to start out together so as to maximize the warmth between us!

Or we could do the in and out and just see how far we make it. South Weeks will add an extra 5.0 miles and 1150'. Bagging Middle and North Weeks will add 4.8 miles and 1600' on top of that!! I can tell you right now, I for one wouldn't be able to make All 3 Weeks as an in and out from Starr King. The in and out covering Starr King, Waumbek and South Weeks would be about the same distance and elevation as a traverse across Starr King, Waumbek, North Weeks, Middle Weeks and South Weeks to York Pond Fishery. Like I said, if anyone wants to be a hero...

-Dr. Wu
getting there at 7:00 for a car spot is a bit of a stretch for me so I'll plan on being at the trailhead by 8:00. I think my sister is going to join us as well.

Yeah...I think it's going to be a cold one again tomorrow! -11 at my house this morning...burrhhh.

I'm up for an out and back to Weeks if I don't get too cold. See ya all tomorrow!
Car Spot

I'll be there at 7:00 or perhaps a few minutes earlier for the car spot. That way we have an option...and since we will have to go get the car we spot anyways, well you get the idea. :D

Anyone know how much powder there is on top up the crusty/icy snow?
We would have to meet at the Fish Hatchery at 7AM. Arm e-mailed and told me the car spot is closer to an hour drive (!!) each direction. If you're really interested, I'll PM you my cell phone number and we can work out the logistics.

-Dr. Wu
Waumbek Sat.

Dr. Wu,

I'm up for Waumbek only, tomorrow. Is your group too large to add 1 more?
