Waypoint utility software.


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Well-known member
Apr 26, 2004
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What can a utility program do for me that I haven't been able to figure out on my own?
I downloaded and looked at a couple of GPS utilities and decided to simply use NG Topo! to manage waypoints. With Topo! I can store waypoints in .tpo or .tpg files, download similar files and tracklogs (as .txt files) from internet. What I'm wondering is whether or not I missed something regarding the usefullnes of the utility software.
NG Topo is the easiest way for most people to handle their waypoints. The Waypoint utility is used if you want to do more with your data. For example, when mtn biking in a new place, I use both waypoints and trackpoints set to collect every .05 of a mile. I then download them using Waypoint and I have all of the RAW data from my day. I can import that into TOPO, or I can load it into Mapinfo or ArcView. Using the points, I can draw a trail map, bring in other data like Ortho Quads or Topo layers.

However, you need to have the software and the data to do all that. So using TOPO to manage your points is probably just fine. However, since you already have Waypoint, I would recommend to keep using it as a backup device. Download your points, save them with the name and date of the place you went to a different directory and back that up to CD. Then, if you (or someone you know) ever wants to do something with it, you have them.
The waypoint utilities are great if you don't have mappinging software. There are several good freeware programs. I found once I had spent the $$ for mapping software the waypoint management software lost a lot of it's usefulness. If I did not have a mapping gpsr I may have not been as willing too spend the money for the software and stuck to the freeware.