In Rembrance , July 2024
Wow, the recent weather and the overnight snow is starting to remind me of the winters when I first moved to the region. Unfortunately, in recent years, about 2 years in three, we would not have a significant snowpack until late January and atypically warm weather at the start of winter. I personally took advantage of one of those years when doing my winter list. We did Pinkham to Crawford via Washington and barebooted the entire trip on the second day of winter. A few days later we dayhiked Bondcliff from Lincoln Woods bareboot and came out in drizzle and for New Years we drove up Jefferson Notch road and hiked Jefferson via Caps Ridge. More recently, I did two New Years Day hikes in a row in fall hiking gear. Dare we hope for a more traditional winter this year? Of course the down side is my snowplowing bill is going to be higher this year
By the way in Gorham at mid Sunday morning, I have about 8" of snow on the ground.
By the way in Gorham at mid Sunday morning, I have about 8" of snow on the ground.