West Kill #35-Soon!


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Yeah, Dawn, I saw that forecast too. I may need the smile surgically removed from my face after this hike. :D Looks like it'll be at least 7 of us:

My friend Dominique (not a VFTTer)
Outside chance of Ryan (Catskill Climber)

And to think that 7 months ago, when I started hiking the Catskills, I couldn't find anyone to hike with. Have I mentioned lately how amazing this website community is? I look forward to spending the day with this crew, let alone bagging the peak!

Guys, Sunday I may be up for that dayhike. I've never done Evergreen, just tagged the Rusk canister real quick last fall and came back down. I'll call Freddy and/or e-mail Jay if I want to confirm.

Hey Matt,

I'm gonna camp out sat night, and meet those guys for the hike. Would love more company to fight off the boogyman!
Sorry Coldfeet, but I can't make the overnight. I don't have a backpacking sleeping bag, and in case I'll have a friend with me who will want to go back. Also, I may be going to hear some friends play tomorrow night in New Paltz.
I may make the Sunday dayhike though.
