Not any kind of cat - it's possible to see a claw mark if the cat is afraid of losing its grip, but that's quite rare, and anyway those look like canid tracks, both the claw marks and the overall shape. (It's not any kind of weasel or woodchuck or porcupine or...)
Dog, coyote, and fox are your candidates. (I suppose wolf isn't impossible - where in Vermont?) My guess would be dog. As Expat mentioned, you may get a clue from looking at the track over a longer stretch. A domestic dog will wander around sniffing out interesting stuff, then return to the trail, and usually vary its pace frequently. A coyote or fox track will be much more single-minded, with a very steady and efficient gait, and will come closer to "perfect stepping", where the rear feet land exactly where the front feet did (which cats also do very often).