What is a "bastard file" ?


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Mohamed Ellozy

Well-known member
VFTT Supporter
Sep 3, 2003
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Brookline, MA
Many of us know that to sharpen crampons you use a "bastard file". So years ago I went to the local hardware store, asked for a bastard file, payed for it, and have been using it ever since. But the name obviously intrigued me. Not enough to search for it on Wikipedia until a few minutes ago, when I got me answer:
A file's teeth can range from rough, coarse and bastard (meaning intermediate) to second-cut, smooth and dead smooth.
So all "bastard" means in this context is somewhere between coarse and smooth. I sure had been hoping for something more interesting :eek:
Well, you may use a "bastard" file, but I can assure you mine is quite legitimate! ;)

I think of that type of file as a "flat" file (as opposed to round, tri-angular, etc), which comes in different lengths, widths and degrees of coarseness.
I suspect it comes from the secondary meaning of "irregular" or "unusual" - neither the coarsest cut nor the "second cut".

But like most files it does always remind me of a series of bends sinister (a common heraldic symbol of bastardy).
The instructions that I have seen call for a bastard mill flat file. A mill file (also called a single-cut file) has a single set of parallel grooves, and as others have noted bastard refers to the size of the grooves, and flat refers to the shape of the file.

The full wikipedia ref is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File_(tool).

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The usual sequence I've seen for file coarsness runs:

Smooth (finest -- at about 64 teeth per inch) to 2nd Cut, Bastard, Middle Cut, and Rough (coarsest at about 11 teeth per inch). Whoever came up with the comment to the effect that the Bastard file is one of those "neither-nor" things probably has it right -- it is neither fine nor coarse, but something in the middle.

The other variations are in the shape of the teeth (the "cut"): single (a line of parallel grooves); double (two lines of parallel grooves criss-crossing); rasp (like individual raised teeth). Then, there is the shape: half round (rounded one side, flat the other, tapered slightly toward the end opposite the tang); mill (flat and tapered like the half round); ward (flat, not tapered); rat tail (round, tapered); and triangular (tapered, for sharpening saws).

In my experience a double cut bastard mill file about 8" long is pretty good for sharpening items like hoes and shovels, and rough sharpening an axe.

Bastard File

As I understand it, the name arose from using the file without a proper handle. The tang of the file can pierce the hand if a handle is not used. The filer then exclaims 'bastard' and throughs down the tool.

At least that is how my grandfather explained it. :)