what is the sickest thing you ever saw on the trail??


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Yes, I do not think public trails or park parking lots should be treated as a bedroom or hotel room, by anyone. Ok the sickest, on a trail (Blue Hills) was a guy not far off the trail next to a tree (not even behind it) looking at people on the trail and um taking care of himself and seeming to have a good old time. If someone really wants to commune with nature that way can't they just go a little further from the trial say 100 feet and/or 1/4 mile from pinic spots and parking lots? Or just let them have their fun.
In my experience, I'm in with BrettD22... on top of Cascade in early October a family with two smaller children in T-shirts. The mtn had been socked in with chilly, damp, inclement weather. The kids shivering and crying and the parents not all that concerned. Naturally, other hikers were commenting about the abuse that was taking place. I'd rather have slapped that parents silly, but instead stomped back down the trail just to get away from it all.
My friend Frank fell on his shin walking up the Airline Trail. Although the fall was not serious, he bled profusely, all the way down to his bright white sock. It became quite blood stained, painfully reminiscent of Kurt Schilling.

It should be noted that this person gutted out the entire hike, bagging both Madison and Adams. He did gross out quite a few people along the way, however.
two totally naked guys on the summit of Armstrong, claiming to be hiking the 46 in the nude. :eek:
And this stuff is related to hiking in what way ???

The popularity of this thread reminds me of that old Star Trek episode where the boys are on a very straight laced planet, a clock chimes, and everyone starts screaming "Festival! Festival!" and goes nuts.

If you want gross-outs, there are a lot better sites than this one. Why not go there if that's your cup of tea??
Sleeping Giant said:
And this stuff is related to hiking in what way ???
It's inevitable that a few posts will stray off topic... but I learned a few things from this thread:

-always filter your water, you never know what can be upstream.
-drink responsibly in the backcountry, or just leave it for the apres randonnee party ;)
-don't leave your boots out at night (or check them in the morning) - I for one have only found spiders in my boots- Thankfully, non poisonous.
-nature is not always glamourous
-expect anything, it's a jungle out there
Sleeping Giant said:
And this stuff is related to hiking in what way ???

The popularity of this thread reminds me of that old Star Trek episode where the boys are on a very straight laced planet, a clock chimes, and everyone starts screaming "Festival! Festival!" and goes nuts.

If you want gross-outs, there are a lot better sites than this one. Why not go there if that's your cup of tea??

its all stuff people saw on the trail.....whilst hiking!!!!!

BTW, star trek episodes are a bit off topic from the original post, please reread it:):):):):):)

DO NOT go to rotten.com please, nobody. its gross.
Sleeping Giant said:
And this stuff is related to hiking in what way ???

The popularity of this thread reminds me of that old Star Trek episode where the boys are on a very straight laced planet, a clock chimes, and everyone starts screaming "Festival! Festival!" and goes nuts.

If you want gross-outs, there are a lot better sites than this one. Why not go there if that's your cup of tea??

there always has to be someone complaining :eek:

sick sights are still sights on the trail :D :D

just trying to have some fun ;) ;) ;) - capt kirk would laugh :) :)
i think giggy just wanted to have some fun, not sure why people are so uptight. its kind of cool hearing some of these stories/nightmares/disasters.
that toe is nasty
There is so many threads going on on this site, people should just navigate away instead of complaining about the ones they don't like.

I think this is very entertaining, I don't have such experiences on trails... Well maybe that time when hiking on Mansfield with a group of friends, a 10 years old boy got scared as shit (litteraly) because of vertigo. If you ever been on Mansfield's summit, you know that there's not many trees to hide behind...
I am speaking for Mohammed when I say, me puking next to his boot twice was pretty gross! :D
Well, I find this thread highly entertaining.

The story I just remembered kind of has a lesson. My stories usually have to do with poo, not sure why... Here goes-

I was on a hike in MI with my folks. Being a LNT nut I pick up trash when I see it. I spotted a t-shirt a few feet off the trail and wondered out loud someone would drump a shirt right there. Well, as I lifted off the ground I discovered why... it had been used as toilet paper. At ths point I can't in good concious put it back, plus I'm already holding it. I manage it into a plastic bag and strap to the outside of my pack, lots of hand sanitizer and dump it 1st thing back at the parking lot.

So the lesson? Look carefully before you go picking up trash? Some trash is better left where you found it?
Catching my dog eating a pile of frozen s--- at a trail head parking area, complete with pink paper. We had a very strained relationship until she gargoled.

poo stories are always sick!!!!

i think this thread is humorous (kind of takes away a bit of the holiday stress) and dont understand why people are complaining. its easy enough to avoid the posts if you dont want to read them, never mind replying to it.

as for insulting people who do reply and want to have fun with it, shame.

maybee it is time for the moderator to step in, as nobody wants to get insulted via a post on a message board. we are not 8 years old.

cheers and happy holidays to all
I found the thread interesting and fun to hear what people have seen up there and it might just make a few think twice where they go to to the bathroom next time and make people think about LNT hiking a bit more and maybe they will learn to avoid heavy boozing on the trail - which a couple of us learned the hard way :) :)

Shocker - Maybe someone actually did learn a few things - I know I am not above this type of humor. Its too bad that some who repsonded had their intelligence insulted and/or accussed of being homophobic. If the moderators find this topic out of line - I will be first to apologize. :D
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Funny how the same couple of people seem to endlessly complain about this site and my moderation. Or, wait, my lack of moderation, oh, wait, which week is it? I forget if this is the week that I get yelled at for moderating or if this is the week that I get yelled at for not moderating. I better check my schedule...

Anyway, sickest thing I have seen on the trail would have to be my boot square in the middle of a pile of bear scat that was (no joke) a pile about 10" wide and about 8" high. And yes it was fresh and soft and squishy. My first thought was "oh man, I can't believe I have this much crap on my boot". That thought was quickly replaced with "holy crap, what size bear takes a dump this big and where is it?!?!?!?!"

The next sickest thing I have seen was while mountain biking down "Dead Moose Alley" at the Kingdom Trails with Chomp. About half way down there is an old well and we could smell the stench from a long ways off. We looked down the well and we thought it was a small moose dead and rotting down in the well. Scene right out of the Ring. With the trial called Dead Moose Alley we figured it was appropriate, but someone told us later that it was actually a deer. Close enough I guess. At any rate, it was a nasty, nasty sight.

- darren
Is that the real name of the trail "Dead Moose Alley"? where is it or how do you get to it?
There appears to be a "Dead Moose Stew" as well;

Outdoors in MaineToday.com | Biking Dead Moose Alley: Biking Dead ...
Biking Dead Moose Alley. If you're a mountain biker and haven't yet been to the
... That led to the unbelievable ride down Dead Moose Alley--many miles of ...
http://outdoors.mainetoday.com/trailhead/000399.shtml - 38k - Cached - Similar pages

A1 Trails: Mountain Biking at Kingdom Trails, Vermont
For a great ride take Dead Moose Stew to Moose Alley. Or if you're in for a decent
challenge, take the J-Bar trail Best time to go: July-August ...
www.a1trails.com/mtb/vt/kingdom.html - 16k - Cached - Similar pages
darren said:
That thought was quickly replaced with "holy crap, what size bear takes a dump this big and where is it?!?!?!?!"
And what was it that scared the crap out of him, and where must that beast be? :eek: :eek:

Maybe more disappointing than sick ... Among my favorite mountains in the Catskills is Bearpen. It is a windy, hardwood summit where once many old and wonderfully gnarled trees grew amidst some nice ferns. One day I arrived at the summit, tripod in hand planning to photograph them. I discovered a fairly large area had been clear cut. I later learned that the owner had cleared the land for a wind farm. No doubt he was within his rights, and no, I am not trying to start up that debate again,

Anyway nothing got built. The summit is now state owned. New trees are growing, and hopefully they will become as gnarly as before.
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