Which NH 4K is most often hiked 48th?


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any season - Carriagain was #48
in winter - I saved good old Owl's Head for #48 (I love that slide)
for New England - Hamlin was #67
SherpaKroto said:
JohnL comes to mind :)

True, and it was a solo hike. And it was so nice I went back again last winter. Actually, it's one of the nicer winter mountain walks around. Even better if you ski into the Hut. But please don't believe me. The solitude will make it so much nicer next time.

And I finished my first round of 48 on Owl's Head. More happenstance than anything else.

carole said:
...but how many people finish the winter48 on Zealand? :p :rolleyes:

I did. Turned out to be a decent peak to finish on as the summit fog didn't diminish the view one bit!
#48 = Madison.. the 1st time
Owls head the 2nd cause I missed it one day cause of snow.
It'll be Madison again for the 2nd time and for the 3rd time... undecided.

Still trying to figure out my winter list finish.
Hmmmmmm.... not surprising that Isolation ends up last if one isn't planning from almost the beginning.

As for the other maligned peaks: I loved both Owl's Head and Cabot. Both were done as overnights with "My Pack" and very memorable. Should be no surprise then that Tecumseh was my choosen 48th from the time I started thinking hiking the 48 Whites would be a good time -- about 4 peaks into the list! Yeah, yeah, I'm a little outta the ordinary (a big ol' understatment!) :D

I'd guess Tecumseh would be high on the list of Least Likely NH 4Ks Hiked 48th, simply because it's one of the easy ones and hasn't a view. And it'd probably be way up there on the Least Likely Chosen 48 Finishes!
Is this "title" applied to Isolation even warranted? I was reading the trail description in the ole WM guide and it seems that the single "bad" thing going for Isolation is the distance. The steepest climbs, or so the book says, are right at the beginning and then the steep scramble to the summit (I think of about .1 mile). Since Ive not been there yet I can not say I actually know. So......is Isolation really that "tough" a hike?
Isolation I would say definantly had a worse reputation than reality. It is a long way in, but mostly the area trails have easy footing and are gentle enough. 7+ miles to gain 2700' or so can't be all that bad.

When I did it directly from the road, I recall last few miles on the way out being monotonous (even though I had just finished). For views attained for elevation gained, it's actually a tough one to beat.

As for Owl's Head on the other hand...........
Isolation... you gain most if not almost all of your elevation gain right off the bat if going in from Rocky Branch on rte 16. Once your hit the hieght of land its nothing but a short gradual down then a loooooooooong gradual up to the summit. Alot of miles, but a great day. I've never done it any other way...

Owls Head.. its a long hike into the slide.. the slide is rather steep and intimidating but I feel its difficulty is relative to ones attitude once they get there. if your a crabby hiker... your gonna hate it! If your out for the views... chances are you'll hate it.. if you hike for its sheer enjoyment and everything else... you'll LOVE both.

If you are doing Isolation as #48 - make it special - wait for good weather, then start at Pinkham Notch - take the Boot Spur Trail to Davis Path. You then hike down to the summit of Isolation. Return via Glen Boulder. You will get to spend a lot of time above tree line. The views are spectacular and will make it a hike you will never forget. Isolation is in our top 5 list of favorite peaks.
South Carter's theoretical view

I just took a look at Smith & Dickerman's 4K Guide (which includes the comment about Isolation being the most frequent 48th-climbed). It has some amusing Trivia at the end, including a list of 4Ks with no views from the actual summit at all. Depending on your tastes, these are either the Bummers or the Much-Maligned Heroes of the 4K List. Here they are (with S & D's qualifications), as of the 2001 publication of the book:

South Carter
East Osceola*
Owl's Head**

*Views available near but not at summit.
**Views available on approach trail.

In terms of views, looks like South Carter is either the VERY BEST or VERY WORST 4K, the only one with no view anywhere, so you might want to factor that into your 4K schedule. On p. 100, the authors wryly note that the number of 4000-footers visible from South Carter is "19 (theoretical, through the trees.)."
bobandgeri said:
If you are doing Isolation as #48 - make it special - wait for good weather, then start at Pinkham Notch - take the Boot Spur Trail to Davis Path. You then hike down to the summit of Isolation. Return via Glen Boulder. You will get to spend a lot of time above tree line. The views are spectacular and will make it a hike you will never forget. Isolation is in our top 5 list of favorite peaks.
I did Isolation via Ammo Ravine Tr and Boot Spur. A bit longer, but a spectacular route on a nice day. #48 for me, not by plan, just happened that way. (Used some of the easier 4Ks as training for this one...)

Options for Monroe on the way up (which I did) and Washington, Clay, and/or Jefferson (which I didn't do) on the way down (Jewell Tr).

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I saved Owls head for #48 but it was a wonderful trip, led by Gene Daniel back in 1990. Adams was #47.
Welcome to VFTT, Deb! Don't think we didn't notice you quietly making post #1 here... :)
NewHampshire said:
Is this "title" applied to Isolation even warranted? I was reading the trail description in the ole WM guide and it seems that the single "bad" thing going for Isolation is the distance. The steepest climbs, or so the book says, are right at the beginning and then the steep scramble to the summit (I think of about .1 mile). Since Ive not been there yet I can not say I actually know. So......is Isolation really that "tough" a hike?

Depends on your trail choice, I suppose. It was the toughest day hike I did, only because I did it in and out the Glen Boulder to avoid 5 stream crossings while solo. The views were outstanding, but climbing 3/4 of the way up Washington again on the way out was tough. All that descent in one day was the kiss of death for my knees.
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Owls Head # 34
Isolation # 47

I finished on Zealand by myself.
Did'nt plan it that way, I guess it was'nt important to me at the time.
I did, however enjoy a nice cold adult beverage!

Tomorrow I leave for the ADK's.
With 6 nights and 5 peaks remaining, I hope to finish on Sawteeth.
This time I hope to finish on my birthday,with a friend who shares the same
However, if the weather does'nt look good for that day I'll finish elsewhere.
I'd rather save Sawteeth for a nice day.

It all depends. From many changes along the way, I hit S. Kinsman in a snowstorm (Columbus Day). Tried it a few years before in mid-June, but the bugs were REALLY bad. The snowy day was preferable.