Which NH 4K is most often hiked 48th?


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Moriah was my 48th, 67th and 115th at the same time in October 2000, in blowing snow :eek:

3 to go for my wife Julie: Isolation, Owl's Head and Tecumseh... A classic :D

I'm keeping Bigelow (and a crisp sunny day) for my winter 115.
Waumbek said:
I just took a look at Smith & Dickerman's 4K Guide

In terms of views, looks like South Carter is either the VERY BEST or VERY WORST 4K, the only one with no view anywhere,
Well I managed THIS from the summit and THIS from a couple of yards away. Winter does help :)

Isolation #33
Owl's Head #36
Madison #47
Carrigain #48

I certainly didn't put the two "dreaded peaks" off for last. Cabot wound up being #42. With the Bulge and the Horn, it was a great trip and I really enjoyed Isolation as well. I'm looking forward to doing that again some time but, the way I'm booked up, it may not be until next year. I'm trying to help Shamie (has 7 left and will finish on Adams) and Gator finish their 48. That's sort of my priority right now although I'm also slowly chipping away at the 67, NEHH, and NHHH lists, just kind of using them as guides but am NOT rushing to get them done. I wish I hadn't rushed at the end to finish the 48. The pursuit was more enjoyable than attaining the goal. I will savor these other lists.

The one I've done the most is Washington. I'm working on redlining it. The one that I'll probably wait the longest to revisit, Cannon (#12). I can't see myself doing that again unless it's as part of a Kinsman Ridge traverse or when I finish my second circuit of the 48 (whenever that will be).
Double Bow: What was so terrible about Cannon? other than the summit being crowded with either tourists or skiers (depending onthe season). (and obviously crowds don't bother you if you climbed Washington numerous times.) I happened to enjoy climbing Cannon via the different routes. Hi-Cannon Trail with its ladder and views of Lonesome Lake is great and the Kinsman Ridge from the Tramway base, the upper half has great views of Echo Lake & Artists Bluff and further on up the spur to the view from the ledges offer spectacular views of the Franconia Range. Going up from Lonesome Lake Hut via LL & Kinsman Ridge Trail is the least exciting route. But overall I like Cannon and have done it three times (not counting the 2 times via Tramway). I also climbed from the Hut via Fishin Jimmy and across the Cannonballs, but that was in the fog so I didn't see anything on that trek.
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Personally, I do not like the crowds on Cannon or Washington but at least with Washington, there are more routes and several of them don't see as many visitors as the trails on Cannon plus, I can enjoy a longer approach. What turned me off from Cannon (besides the crowds) was the steep climb and decent on the Kinsman Ridge trail from the tram parking area. That combination wasn't much fun.

When I do Cannon again (which I certainly will), if it's not part of a Kinsman Ridge traverse (which I really want to do), it will be via the Hi-Cannon trail.
Me Too

carole said:
...but how many people finish the winter48 on Zealand? :p :rolleyes:

I've been thinking about finishing there also. But I definitely have the date picked out (mark your calendars :) ): February 29, 2008!
Periwinkle said:
I'd guess Tecumseh would be high on the list of Least Likely NH 4Ks Hiked 48th, simply because it's one of the easy ones and hasn't a view. And it'd probably be way up there on the Least Likely Chosen 48 Finishes!

Actually, you'd be surprised how many people do that one last. Not the most popular by far but not the least by a long shot.
Tripyramids was my number 47 and 48. The original plan was to go up the N. slide, but being being on antibiotics killed that thought. I'm not sure too many finish up the 48 on those 2 peaks due to the slides I would think, and probably looking for an easier finish to the 48. Worked for me, relatively short drive and good workout for the finsih.
Iolation is the most common, followed by Carrigain

i know a guy on the comitee, hes confirmed this for me, interestingly enough, Owl's head is the most common 47.

I must be weird, Im doing wildcats 47-48, and I did isolation in the first 10.

In another interesting thing he told me, Bond is the only one noone has ever ended on
Eric Savage said:
Actually, you'd be surprised how many people do that one last. Not the most popular by far but not the least by a long shot.

Wow, that is a surprise. Must be that short, easy trail that is so appealing, simply because it's do-able after a big champagne celebration!

Now Bond as an unlikely finish makes sense. I know of a few people that didn't get West Bond or Bondcliff on a trip and have/had to go back, but it would be hard to miss getting Bond because it's in the middle.

BTW, I just did Isolation again, via the Rocky Branch route this time. Much easier that the original in and out over the side of the Boott Spur!!!! It really is a great view and a good finish. It was my buddy's 48th. We met at least five other finishers. (lost track -- there were alot of peakbaggers out there that day!)
The guy on the Committee

jmegillon149 said:
i know a guy on the comitee, hes confirmed this for me, interestingly enough, Owl's head is the most common 47.

I must be weird, Im doing wildcats 47-48, and I did isolation in the first 10.

In another interesting thing he told me, Bond is the only one noone has ever ended on

In the past few years, Carrigain has been second behind Isolation but I don't have access to the whole historical database so this may be a recent phenomenon. Isolation is historically the most common #48 as stated in our introductory letter.

Without the whole database, I couldn't have made a claim that any peak has never been #48. I seem to recall that this was a conversation where a group of us were only making guesses at the least frequent (or never done) #48; I'm pretty sure someone (maybe even more than one) finished on Bond this past year (no surprise: Bondcliff and West Bond are far more frequent).

And if there is a peak that has never been #48, why publicize that fact and have some contrarian go out and ruin it? ;)
Did Washington first in 1992
Did not get back until 95 & rattled off 27 that year so with not many left with a good view & easy enough so my 57 year old Mom & wife (& others I invited but did not go) could hike with me, I did Moriah last the first time for the NE 65 - in 1998.

2nd time around in NH, picked Cannon so the kids, my wife who is not back hiking after a bad illness & my Dad & his wife could Tram it up. Last weekend tram operated in fall, .10 Ice Cream specials!!! :D

With 1/2 of the ADK peaks left & a possible 115 list done, I have to go back & do Redington since the 115 list may be completed after they added Redington so I guess Redington will be the last NE67 (Did Spaulding in 97)

Have about 10 solo's left including Madison, Moriah, Carrigain & Adams so some good choices there

Third time in three seasons, depends when I get close (1/2 way) may depend if kids are old enough to go, Moosilauke & Carrigain still left unsure I can wait that long to go back to either peak.