Which topo software program is the best?


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DougPaul said:
When I hike, I frequently carry both the AMC topo for the current trail info and a printout of a section of a digitized topo for the terrain. Sometimes, the old trail info on the old map is useful in the field (particularly in winter).

When I search, I frequently (well, always) carry both the AMC topo for the current trail info and a Maptech Navigator Pro map (printed by our unit leader) for the terrain. Sometimes, the new info on the new map is useful in the field (particularly at Osceola last year, when I loaned one of my AMC maps to the planning effort. "Bullmoose" made it to the event, but apparently nobody else had the AMC map, at least in the early stages. :rolleyes: )

p.s. Say what you want about Mapsource, but it was amazingly helpful one night to see the orchard I was standing in on the GPS screen when no other landmark was visible.
sardog1 said:
When I search, I frequently (well, always) carry both the AMC topo for the current trail info and a Maptech Navigator Pro map (printed by our unit leader) for the terrain. Sometimes, the new info on the new map is useful in the field (particularly at Osceola last year, when I loaned one of my AMC maps to the planning effort. "Bullmoose" made it to the event, but apparently nobody else had the AMC map, at least in the early stages.)
Agreed--they both (kinds of map, that is) can be useful.

p.s. Say what you want about Mapsource, but it was amazingly helpful one night to see the orchard I was standing in on the GPS screen when no other landmark was visible.
The original poster didn't seem to be interested in GPSes, so I didn't comment on maps for same. I have Garmin Mapsource Topo, both 1:100K and 1:25K and NG TOPO! NE. I find them all useful for somewhat different things or areas. I also favor mapping GPSes over non-mapping GPSes which in my case motivates the Garmin Mapsource maps.

I'll certainly admit that it was nice to have a mapping GPS "watching over me" when I solo night skied the Shoal Pond Tr. (No moose, bull or otherwise, calling to me from the parking lot... :) ) Didn't actually need the GPS, but it certainly would have made it easier to recover if I had lost the trail.

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I just picked up the NG TOPO NE USA yesterday at REI. It seems pretty flexible, however I am climbing Pierce tomorrow and printed the Crawford path route and noticed that the USGS map it was scanned from was from 1995.
Outtabreath said:
I just picked up the NG TOPO NE USA yesterday at REI. It seems pretty flexible, however I am climbing Pierce tomorrow and printed the Crawford path route and noticed that the USGS map it was scanned from was from 1995.

I just got in from work and checked my gps track I saved when I did Pierce 3 years ago. You may already have gone.
Trail has been moved from the NGTOPO's one in a couple of places but up about near 3800 ft the rest of the trail is the same and of course the summit is still the summit. :) The trail changes well below tree line won't throw you off any.

Have fun
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CaptCaper said:
Trail has been moved from the NGTOPO's one in a couple of places but up about near 3800 ft the rest of the trail is the same and of course the summit is still the summit. :) The trail changes well below tree line won't throw you off any.
Just follow the trail first and the GPS second and you should be ok. :)

There is a (true, I believe) story of a driver who drove his car into a river/lake when he followed his GPS and didn't look to see if the ferry was at the dock...

DougPaul said:
Just follow the trail first and the GPS second and you should be ok. :)

There is a (true, I believe) story of a driver who drove his car into a river/lake when he followed his GPS and didn't look to see if the ferry was at the dock...


It's just good common sense of course to follow the trail first and too watch for whats coming ahead as well. Evidently the driver didn't have common sense. Stay :cool: out there.
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