Whiteface/ East Sleeper hike on Feb. 5


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poison ivy

Well-known member
Sep 3, 2003
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Mansfield, MA Avatar: Mt. Whitney, CA
As I mentioned in the other thread, I'm planning to hike Whiteface (the NH one) & East Sleeper by heading up Blueberry Ledges and then returning to the same trailhead on Saturday, Feb. 5. I'm planning to arrive at the trailhead at 7 a.m. and be heading out on the trail no later than 7:30. Anyone who hikes faster, (which is pretty much everyone) is certainly welcome to start later and catch up and/or head over to West Sleeper too.

Anyone is welcome to join in for all or part of the trip. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for great weather. :)
- Ivy
Ivy - Count me in as a definite maybe!

Oh - and I'll bring my snowshoes no matter what :D

...and, as you know full well you have had your Slow Hiker's club membership revoked, I reserve the right to hit the trail at 7 and let you catch up :)

poison ivy: I am still interested. I'll send you a PM.

PS - I don't have an ice axe so I hope the ledges on Whiteface are doable :eek:
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Count me in!

I'll be planning to join you all on Saturday morning bright and early.
How are the views from Mt Whiteface?
This will be my first attempt at Mt Whiteface and my second hike with members of VFTT.
There are some really good views from the south ledges of Whiteface down into Wonalancet. As for the ledges they were pretty icy back on Jan. 1, but I was able to make it up them w/o crampons or snowshoes. I was able to use hanging tree limbs to pull myself up. That was a month ago, but I imagine the ice isn't much worse. Enjoy the hike!
Sorry to disagree with you kltilton, but I hope that everyone does bring crampons for the trip. IMHO based on hiking the mountain last March, I would say you could probably get up the Blueberry Ledge trail without them, but descending it without them could be dangerous. I can think of one icy ledge area in particular that I wouldn't want to be heading down without them.

- Ivy
skimom said:
I really want to hit Waumbek/Weeks this weekend, but it appears everyone did them already !!

I did Whiteface last week from the Rollins Trail. I'd like to get to Sleeper and the ideally the Tri's in winter.

Anyone interested in hitting the Tri's from Pine Bend and catching up with the group on Kate Sleeper Trail? Looks like it's about 12 miles or so. We'd need a car spot.
Sounds like a good idea to me. :D

Would we meet at Ferncroft parking area? and if so what time?

How long does it take to get to the Pine Bend trailhead from Fercroft?
Downes Brook?

Maybe I’m a bit chicken or whatever, but having been up Blueberry Ledge trail twice before in winter (with no problem) and several more times in other seasons, I am reading two ‘trail conditions’ reports that strongly recommend an ice axe for the ledges, and finding that not something I want to contend with. I don’t want to mess with people’s plans but would make a suggestion: going in and out via the Downes Brook trail (off the Kanc). The mileage is similar if not shorter, and those wanting Whiteface can go left on Kate Sleeper, while those wanting East (and like I, West) Sleeper can go right and meet back. It could even work better for Skimom to do that loop and car spot. Any thoughts?
skimom said:
Might be easier to head up Blueberry with the gang and then break off to continue over the Tri's when they head back to Rollins. That would mean meeting on the kanc, leaving a car, then heading over to Ferncroft.

Either way the car spot is a long drive. Whichever end we begin at. I'm not sure how long a drive.

Has anyone done this car spot before ?
This way sounds better.

It looks like a 45-60 min. drive from Pine Bend trail to Ferncroft. (according to my MapQuest estimate)

EDIT: Woops, I didn't see your last post Skimom.
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carole said:
I don’t want to mess with people’s plans but would make a suggestion: going in and out via the Downes Brook trail (off the Kanc). The mileage is similar if not shorter,

I still need Whiteface in winter & want to get E. Sleeper as well since we'll be so close to it. I am very math challenged, but hitting both from the Downes Brook trail would add about two miles to the hike (over the Blueberry Ledges route -- I came out with 13.6 versus 11.8 miles, please correct me if I'm wrong!) Those two extra miles will be tough for me, and I'm thinking I'd be more comfortable heading up Blueberry Ledges and being prepared to turn back if things look too dicey on the ledges. This is one trail I've done in winter (well, the week after calendar winter ended last year...) so I feel like I know what I'm getting into headed in that direction.

However, if everyone else thinks the Downes Brook route will be better, I'll go along with the group and give up on E. Sleeper for the time being.

Anyone else want to weigh in?

- Ivy
Well I'm personally psyched up to hit the Blueberry Ledges hopefully not at the end of a long slide :eek: ) so I'm still rooting for going in via the Blueberry Ledge trail. However, I'd be happy to take any route down if I can get a ride back to Ferncroft.

Here are some mileage and elevation comparisons care of Topo! and the WMG where available.

Ferncroft to Whiteface south ledges- 3.49 mi, 2873 ft (WMG 3.9 mi, 2850 ft)
South Ledges to Kate Sleeper - 0.1 mi, (WMG 0.1 mi)
Kate Sleeper to Whiteface Main Peak - 0.23 mi, 68 ft (WMG 0.3 mi)
Kate Sleeper to Downes Brook trail - 0.75 mi, -482 ft (WMG 0.8 mi, -500 ft)
Downes Brook Jct to East Sleeper summit - 0.86 mi, 431 ft (WMG 0.9 mi)
Downes Brook to Kate Sleeper - 4.94 mi, 2617 ft (WMG 5.2 mi, 2150 ft)

Topo! Estimates of the following trips:
(DB = Downes Brook trail head)
(PB = Pine Bend trail head)

1 - Ferncroft > Whiteface > E.Sleeper > Kanc (DB) - 11.29 mi, 3718 ft gain
2 - Kanc (DB) > Whiteface > E.Sleeper > Kanc (DB) - 13.27 mi, 3978 ft gain
3 - Kanc (DB) > E.Sleeper > Kanc (DB) - 11.56 mi, 3594 ft gain
4 - Kanc (PB) > Tri-Ps > Sleepers > Kanc (DB) - 11.75 mi, 4247 ft gain
5 - Ferrcroft > Whiteface > E.Sleeper > Ferncroft - 10.61 mi, 3998 ft gain
6 - Ferncroft > E.Sleeper > Whiteface > Rollins > Dicey Mill > Ferncroft - 12.32 mi, 4343 ft Gain

I'd be more than pleased to do option 1 if some kind soul would be prepared to do the 40 mile (or thereabouts) drive around Ferncroft after :) Otherwise I'll stick with Ivy's original plan #5

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Downes Brook vs. Blueberry Ledge

I don't know how frozen the brooks are, but Downes Brook Trail has ten brook crossings on it. In the fall one year, we had to turn back due to high water. Just my two cents! :)
Still in!

Still planning on the hike up to Whiteface up whatever trail you all decide on. Whichever, it is I'm still bring my ice axe just in case! I'll always choose the more direct route, but if a safer route is preferable I'm all for it.
Sorry, I don’t want to throw a wrench in the works. This is poison ivy’s hike and if those interested are comfortable with the trail conditions I don’t want to try to change that. For myself I don’t have an ice axe and question my going up icy ledges without one. As to the mileage I was being ‘one minded’ as I was comparing the miles to go to West Sleeeper via Blueberry Ledge or Downes Brook and for that the mileage comparable. I have never been on the Downes Brook trail but hoped the numerous crossings are iced over, but that I do not know either. I’ll just tiptoe back away from the computer and let you all continue with your plans.

If lack of an axe is all that's holding you back from doing the ledges I have a spare BD Zero Point you can use. Otherwise, if you can muster company for a Downes Brook trek I for one would feel a little less stressed descending that way rather than via the ledges.

I have never travelled on the Downes Brook route but I would imagine the brook crossings would be mostly/completely frozen over by now. Anyone have first hand knowledge on that?

carole said:
Sorry, I don’t want to throw a wrench in the works.

Carole, no worries at all... you have to hike the way you feel safest! There's no reason there can't be a Blueberry Ledge contingent & a Downes Brook contingent. Hopefully, we can meet up someplace in the middle! :)

- Ivy