Whiteface/ East Sleeper hike on Feb. 5


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I'll see if I can get any recent info on Downes Brook. I don't want water crossing to be more a problem then the ledges.

HikerBob: I'll take you up on your offer of a spare axe if I decide on Blueberry Ledge trail. Otherwise it looks easy enough to drive back to Ferncroft from the Kanc via Conway, Chocorua and Rt113A.
I won't be able to make this one. Too much going on and while hiking is my stress relief, the time to do this trip would cause more stress than it would relieve!

I hope you have a fantastic trip!
Downes Brook contingent

Well, there is no reply regarding recent use on Downes Brook. I am going to give that route a try.

poison ivy: Is there an approximate time you plan to be to E.Sleeper? I will leave a note at the Downes Brook/Kate Sleeper junction so if you go by there and come back on your return from E.Sleeper and I haven’t met your group it would be safe to say I turned back. (Otherwise any wanting to return that way with me can get a ride back to their car. I have room for 4 more plus gear.)

Skimom: Not sure what you want to do.
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carole said:
Is there an approximate time you plan to be to E.Sleeper?

It's hard to say... I tend to move slowly on the uphills but much faster on flatter or downhill terrain. I would guess between noon & 12:30, though I could be off on that. I'll also plan to leave a note at the junction in the unlikely event we get there before you. :)

- Ivy
I was hoping to join in on this hike but I'm not sure where people are starting or what time. Is there going to be a group going via Bluberry Ledge still?
This is the way I see it at the moment:

Ivy and I are definites for going in via the Blueberry Ledge trail, maybe others. Possibly descending via Downes Brook if we meet up with a contingent in from there. Otherwise returning via the ledges to Ferncroft.

Carole seems to be leaning towards doing East Sleeper via Downes Brook, not sure about others from that side.

Skimom was considering going in on Pine Bend over the Tri-Ps, Sleepers and out via Downes Brook.

Time for a show of hands folks to firm up who's doing what :)

Great! Thanks for the information HikerBob. I will join you and Ivy and anyone else for trip via Blueberry Ledge. Is the meeting time still 7:00 at Ferncroft parking lot?
Yup, for the Blueberry Ledges contingent, meeting time is 7 a.m. at Ferncroft or thereabouts. I'd like to gear up and be on the trail at 7:30 a.m. I'm definitely looking forward to this hike!

- Ivy
You're so close - head over to Windblown. It's the best place in the area for cross-country skiing.

Carrigain, eh? Sounds like a great hike to me - I hope I can make it when the time comes!
skimom said:
MichaelJ - you better make it or I'll force you to ski 10th Mountain Trail or Smith Walton with me !!

Bwahahaha! Oh, wait, that's a decent threat. Dang. Just remember that I can't be responsible for the already-scheduled weekends!
Hope all went well with your hike. I left a note but you all apparently didn't make it to East Sleeper.
Carole - sorry, we never made it over to East Sleeper. The 'we' being Poison Ivy, MEB, bpschroder and a poorly HikerBob :(

I was even slower than usual because I was suffering badly from leg aches, nausea and the usual poor oxygen take up. Despite my offering that the others carry on with the original plan while I just do Whiteface they hung back for me.

I tasked Ivy with writing up a trip report but I'll just do a quicky trailer as she said she would probably not get around to it until Monday.

What a fantastic day to be in the mountains!

Carole -- I'm so sorry we didn't make it over to E. Sleeper. We didn't get up Whiteface until 12:30 and the gorgeous sunny day sapped all of my motiviation for moving off those ledges for too long.

Thanks to HikerBob, MEB & bpshroder for coming along for such a terrific day. I can't believe we're having a weekend this nice in February! :)

-- Ivy