Who stuffs their tent fly?


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I am a stuffer too. Tried to explain the benefits of stuffing to my friend only to eat my own words when it didn't fit into the sack. We had to pull it out and fold it up. It was a cheap tent with pretty heavy walls. :confused:
This could be a duh moment for me, but I'm thinking "fly" as in rain fly...

The rain fly on one tent gets folded & rolled only because it's got a plastic window that I don't think would respond well to stuffing.

As for the tents and the other rain fly, it's Stuff City!!!! And that goes for all my gear, especially my sleeping bag. Makes my mornings more manageable. Otherwise, it's like shoving toothpaste back in the tube.

The only problem with this is being an unpacking slacker. My gear can spend a week shoved into little balls before I get around to hanging/storing it properly.
I sew for a living and all the fabrics come rolled on a cardboard tube. Rolling has less impact I believe in the long run even though sleeping bags are stuffed.

We have a Sierra Designs and the instructions say to roll up tent and fly around the poles. The poles act as a carboard tube would do.
I think there is a lot less stress on zips,mesh,wrinkles,etc. by rolling around tent poles. Especially with plastic windows.

I just lay the tent and fly out,fold over sides to width of poles and role up and place into stuff sac.
I stuff when I am in a hurry but usually this means not everything fits into the stuff sack and I have to carry it separately


I roll when I am taking my time and then I can usually get it to fit.

So, I am a stuffer and a roller

I've been stuffing all my tents for 22+ years with no problems. Only my Bibler does not like to be stuffed as the material is stiff. I look at it this way, even if I were to roll the tent, it ends up in a compression sack and gets smashed to its smallest size.