Wild Weather Weekend Whites


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Oct 27, 2004
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Avatar: "World's Windiest Place" Stamp (5/27/06)
The Pemi and other local rivers and streams took a big jump after the T-storms blew through last night. There are lots of reports of downed trees in the Grafton County area (western Whites). The runoff will dissipate during the day but more t-storms and the possibility of flash flooding continue for the weekend. It's very humid and hazy this morning.
Chainsaw approach

Yesterday evening I had to chainsaw the way up my road in Wentworth. As I was cutting up a tree across the road, the road was washing away right beside the truck. When I finally got to the house, alas, no electricity. The previous owners put in a backup generator after the big ice storm of 98. It gets quite a bit of use up here in the boonies :) I get some really fierce roaring winds up here. I love it.
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Heavy Rain!

I can only imagine how I'd feel if I had been hiking late yesterday. I could see the lightning in the distance in CHester and the storms were at least 50 miles away. If anyone is interested, if you go here to the NWS severe weather page you can see Maine is under the gun for severe weather (58+ mph winds, 3/4 inch + hail etc). But that doesn't mean thunderstorms won't occur in NH. The entire state of VT is under a flood watch for slow moving cells like last night. If I were hiking today, I'd go early to beat anything potentially nasty. I don't like being caught out in my backyard during a thunderstorm let alone a mountain.... :(
Eastern Essex County NY

The NWS reports:
A state of emergency remains in effect for portions of Essex. At 11 am... emergency management in Essex County New York indicates
that numerous roads in the towns Moriah and Crown Point continue to
be closed due to damage from yesterdays heavy rainfall and
flooding... and public travel is not permitted. As a result... school
has been cancelled for Moriah and Crown Point today.

A Flood Watch for flash flooding is in effect across the north
country until 600 am Saturday morning for the potential of more heavy
rain this afternoon and evening.
Earlier the report was that the Champlain bridge between NY and VT was closed because of impassible roads, but they have apparently lifted that advisory.
More flooding?

Canaan NH got hit real hard last night and according to radar it looks like its stormy again. Looks like the rain is forming over the same exact area, maybe a bit further north and earlier in the day. That can only mean more heavy rain and nasty thunderstorms today. Hopefully people are wrapping up their hikes out there today because it is gettin pretty interesting up there. As for here in southern NH, hazy and humid...upper 80s.

I'm curious as to if anyone had any sketchy experiences on the trail yesterday when the storms rolled through.

More wild weather here all afternoon (Friday). The t-storms started rolling over Franconia around 2.30, winds picked up, wave after wave of drenching rain, and now a calm for the moment at least. The humidity remains very high so there's a charge in the air still. Streams are running very high at the moment. Satellite internet has been out all afternoon.
I was camped on Gale River Rd during Thursdays big storm. Tons of lightning and monsoon rain for 4 hours. My tent stayed dry through the whole thing - kudos to Marmot!

Friday looked like it was going to be the same deal, so I just went up Galehead and got down early. The storms started even earlier, so I was glad to be down. More lightning and this time monsoon rains for 3 hours. Tent was still dry - big time kudos to Marmot.

Headed with Chomp and VSA to VT on Sat for some mountain biking at the Kingdom Trails. The humidity was unbearable, but still had an awesome ride.

Hydrate and get done early!

- darren
Sabbatt and I, and some of our friends, got caught above treeline near Mt. Washington on Saturday when the skies started thundering and dumping torrential rains. We made it down safely, but that was quite a scare.