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Oct 27, 2004
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Avatar: "World's Windiest Place" Stamp (5/27/06)
Franconia got at least a foot of snow last night, I hear, more in the higher elevations. High winds. Mt. Wash must have been unreal. I gave up trying to drive north on I-93 and spent the night in Concord, where it was pretty wild also. More snow coming this weekend. March came in like a bear, I'd say.
Washington has been getting slammed with winds all morning! Below is a cut and paste to the latest weather conditions as of this posting, and below that is the weather observatory's link where you can get the latest info at all times.

Summit Conditions as of 7:54 AM EST
Temp -23.7°F Wind
W100 MPH
Gust 110 MPH
WC -65°F

Mt. Washington Weather

100 mph! YEE HAWW

I stayed at Panama Jacks place last night in Natick.. the wind sure was whippin here even!

Yup, it's been whipping real good here in southern Maine all night and morning also. The snow drift outside of my kitchen is piled up nearly halfway up the window. I guess I better dig out soon.
It was interesting watching the wind effect on our front lawn. We had straight line waves of drifts. At 7pm, there were about 7 waves with a peak to peak distance of maybe 15 feet, by 9pm they were 5, by 11pm there were only 3 waves with the peaks getting higher and the troughs getting down to bare ice. This morning it was just one large ridge.
I-93 from Concord north was an adventure. The snow has stopped but the wind caused intermittent whiteout conditions and snowdrifts across the otherwise plowed pavement. A tractor trailer jack knifed at Exit 14. There were still several cars off the road north of there. The tow trucks can't keep up with the trade today. The wind and monster plows are gradually burying these vehicles. I guess their owners retrieve them in the spring. Heads up: snow shovels, buckets, brooms, small tool kits, and other what not were/are skittering down the freeway, driven by the wind from one side to the other. This flotsam apparently has blown out of the back of open pickup trucks. That's a new one for me. The Kinsman Notch (112) was surreal.