Single-Season Winter 48
Hikes: 26 (24 hiking days)
Miles: 273.1
Elevation: 96,930 feet
Hours: 168:10:00
Elapsed time: 64 days
Average speed: 1.6+ mph, inclusive of stops, car-to-car (faster than my first winter round by nearly 10%)
I had a spreadsheet, with the days of winter and I made two goal lines - peaks (0-48) and hiking days (0-24), and I tried to stay "above the curve" on both, which I did. Having this graphic definitely kept me motivated. I had A, B, and C columns for the quality of day, with the various hikes I had planned in each column. A-days were "presi days", for example. I tried not to care too much about views, or if I did, I used B or C days for peaks I'd already had several A-days for (Carrigain was a C-day, and Isolation was a B-day, for example.) I also had tagged certain hikes as being better (or requiring) a car spot, or ones I was comfortable doing alone. I also considered that some are more popular (Lincoln/Lafayette) and/or closer and figured they would be broken out or require overall less time, if we ever did get a good dumping. Thus, I got Owl's Head on a day where snowshoes weren't strictly needed (nice with the televators though.) I doubled up Hale with Cannon, and Tecumseh with Tom-Field-Willey.
I was sans job for 3 of the 9 weeks (got to 25/48), and the rest of the time I imposed on my family for weekends. I also used 3 of my personal days already, meaning I better not get sick
I'd saved a few short trips (Osceolas) for late starts after my son's basketball games.
A back-of-a-napkin calculation says I drove ~5000 miles (I drove 20 of 24 days, averaging 250 miles RT). At 30 mpg, that is 175 gallons of gasoline. At $3.69/gal, it cost me ~$700 (throwing in an extra oil change and rounding up.) My wife complained about the last two credit card bills
Back-to-back days required washing and/or drying everything and then getting up a bit earlier than usual to re-pack the stuff left to dry overnight.
Here is how it worked out on
p.s. then I really pushed my luck by going with Kevin on his W48 finish...
p.p.s. it took about 2 weeks to stop waking up at 4am on my own