Prunes & Pickles. Wash it down with warm sour milk.
I got this idea from Guinness - I put my gels, candy, energy bars in a fleece bag with several of those chemical hand warmers and have not had problems with frozen snacks. Depending on the temp I have a small thermos that I put a hot beverage in. I usually take cheese for a snack and have not had it freeze in my pack.
A lot of the rescue folks used to carry hot jello in a thermos. Generally when someone was rescued if they could drink, they would be given hot jello. A lot of th resuers were ice climbers and they used the same stuff when climbing. I have tried it and its a good way to keep my energy level up while hiking. At some point if it gets cold, it starts to set so there is some management required to make sure to finish off prior to it turning solid.
c'mon, its winter, food is supposed to be frozen. where's your sense of adventure?
Break foods that will become hard into bite-size pieces back at home and warm in your mouth before biting down.I saw in a trip report or trail conditions a hikers snack foods all froze this past weekend. Technically everything will freeze, but some foods are still highly chewable when frozen, like Reeses vs Snickers, or Cliff Bars vs Power Bars.