WMNF Bridge Washouts


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Oct 27, 2004
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The USFS is announcing on local outlets (e.g., VPR, NH papers ) today that their list of bridge washouts on WMNF trails is provisional. They have not been able to inspect all bridges yet. They want to get that word out for Memorial Day weekend. Here's the link again. Nothing new on it if you've checked recently except to remember that not all bridges have been seen yet. If you're outside the region, it continues to rain, rain, rain.

I guess I should add that the most efficient way to get info on your trail (or bridge) is first to look in the "trip reports" forum here, or in the other "trip reports" section on the VFTT home page and/or to google your trail.

You can also call USFS at 603/528-8721.
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This past weekend I was talking to the ranger at the visitors' center in Lincoln (the one right off the highway). I told him how much the hiking community (with a quick background of who I meant) appreciated the road openings and the bridge information site. He was quite familiar with how it got there so hopefully the right people will hear about it.
MichaelJ said:
This past weekend I was talking to the ranger at the visitors' center in Lincoln (the one right off the highway). I told him how much the hiking community (with a quick background of who I meant) appreciated the road openings and the bridge information site.

Good work, MJ. I think a new day may be dawning in the USFS. (I was tempted to say it's the Age of Aquarius except that water puns are not funny right now.)