If you plan to visit National Parks as well as National Forests around the country, it's cheaper to buy a National Parks Pass which is good for 12 months from the month it's purchased. They cost $50, but are sometimes discounted. For an additional $15, you can buy a Golden Eagle Pass. The combination of the two will get you into ANY National Park, Forest, Visitor Center, etc which charges an admission fee. If you purchase the annual WMNF pass for $20 ($25 for 2 stickers) and don't visit any other fee areas, then that's the wise choice. However, if you visit National Forests in the Rockies, the Pacific Northwest, etc which also have their own "fee demonstration projects" your New Hampshire WMNF won't do you any good - you have to buy the local pass.
Many of the National Parks cost $20 each, that adds up fast. So,... plan ahead.[/I]