Year-End Hikes, Any Interest, 12/27/2010 - 1/1/2011???

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Tough week.......

We have another change of plans.

We have a new target selected for tomorrow (12/29/2010). Our intention is to hike Garfield from the winter trailhead lot on Route 3 near Five Corners.

Our target time at the trailhead is 6:30 - 7:00am and set off as soon as we're ready.

Hopefully, the remainder of the week's plan will be unchanged.

Anybody wanna hike Garfield tomorrow?

Since we have a 3:30am meet time tomorrow, Sue and I decided hiking today would make hiking tomorrow a lot harder than it needs to be. We're taking the day off.

The plans for Twins and Galehead are still on.

Anybody wanna hike Twins and Galehead tomorrow?

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