You know you are a peakbagger when

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New member
Aug 8, 2007
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Guilderland, NY
Halloween comes around and your first two thoughts are:

Guess I better check my list to see which Grid/monthly peaks I need for November!

Then, sweet I'll have to go to the stores tomorrow to stock up on the leftover Halloween candy at super discount for the upcoming cold weather hiking seasons!

Add your own "you know you are a peakbagger when".
Or looked at this thread, wondering what others are doing that you want to do, too.
You know you're a "bagger" of any type when it's 3 in the afternoon, you're 10 miles from the trailhead, facing a trail sign that says it's another 3 miles further to whatever inconsequential destination, torn because you know it's going to be dark soon and you really ought to be headed back, yet your next foot step is away from the trailhead, not towards it.
	MAX(hikes.DATE) AS LastHiked, 
	COUNT(hikes.DATE) AS TimesBagged,
	peaks.NAME AS PeakName,
	peaks.ELEVATION AS Elevation,
	peaks.ST AS State,
	lists.Name AS ListName,
	hikers.Name AS HikerName
FROM peaks 
JOIN hikepeaks ON peaks.ID=hikepeaks.PEAKID
JOIN hikes ON hikepeaks.HIKEID=hikes.ID
JOIN hikerhikes ON hikerhikes.HIKEID=hikes.ID
JOIN hikers ON hikerhikes.HIKERID=hikers.ID
JOIN listpeaks ON peaks.ID = listpeaks.PEAKID
JOIN lists ON listpeaks.LISTID = lists.ID
WHERE hikers.NAME='Tim' AND

LastHiked   TimesBagged  PeakName              Elevation  State  ListName  HikerName  
2011-10-23  1            Scar Ridge            3774       NH     NEHH      Tim        
2011-10-09  1            Abraham               4006       VT     NEHH      Tim        
2011-10-09  1            Ellen                 4083       VT     NEHH      Tim        
2011-09-27  1            Big Jay               3786       VT     NEHH      Tim        
2011-09-27  1            Jay Peak              3858       VT     NEHH      Tim        
2011-09-18  4            Eisenhower            4780       NH     NEHH      Tim        
2011-09-11  4            West Bond             4540       NH     NEHH      Tim        
2011-09-11  5            Zealand               4260       NH     NEHH      Tim        
2011-08-13  4            Jefferson             5712       NH     NEHH      Tim        
2011-07-31  5            Washington            6288       NH     NEHH      Tim        .

85 rows returned.

When you start looking at city/town/unincorporated townships high points to bag cause you've run out of other peaks....
When you have a list of the official start of winter for the next 5 years taped to your computer monitor (probably doesn't apply to you NY types).
What's a peakbagger?

I remember a woman back about 8 years ago on this site who was from Southern NE. She asked what she could do after having done her 48. She found it a letdown not to have more goals. I wonder what she ended up doing, or whether she turned to a different sport?