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At the Market Basket traffic light in Bedford the other day I saw a VFTT sticker and then a 31.5 sticker. Made my day!
I'll keep you in mind when I'm planning. It's been a rough winter just getting out (too many conflicting life events...). I think my schedule will let me out more in April and May, but I'm generally Fri->Sun, harder to swing Mon->Thurs.
Hello - thanks for the response. Glad to know there are others out and about that have slowed down. I actually hiked with Julie a couple of weeks ago - we did Pierce - I had done Moosilauke three days prior and it was a slow go for me that Saturday - we drove up together but that was about the only time we spent together. Nice hike tho.
I try to make it pretty clear when I say 1 mph that is truly what I hike I am SLOW. But if you want to give it a shot let me know - I do some mid week hikes and try for Saturday. Mid week days vary.
Catherine ([email protected])
Hello -
Thanks for the reply - it would be nice to meet others that are slow and steady!! I've been doing some smaller mountains this winter mainly due to the cold - I can start later - I've enjoyed doing some different hikes. Thinking of trying for 53 with a view.
Can you hike mid-week at all? I work every third weekend but try and hike the Saturdays I'm off. If your interested I'll let you know or you can let me know what you are planning.
Catherine ([email protected])
Hey Neil - Just wanted to say congratulations on bushwhacking the ADK46. That's a really fantastic and different accomplishment and I've been reading about your trips on and off the last few years. Good for you.
Yes, it shows up at the top of the screen. Good enough for someone who uses the board every day. Thanks.
Oh man Early Bird, I'm so sorry I didn't get back to you sooner! It's actually been a while since I've been on VFTT. Thanks so much for the kind words, I appreciate that. It's been a great journey for us and I hope Janelle will carry some of that love of nature with her down the road, even when she gets to be a teen, LOL! Anyway, I hope you got the book and enjoyed it. We're on tour now all over New England, perhaps we'll get to meet you at an event? Take care!