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Thank you !My hiking has been a crap shoot this winter,between car issues and having a teenage daughter! What days do you usually hike?by the way every time i see your name,i want to listen to the dead,lol...peace
Thanks for 'grooming' the trail as I went back up Tecumseh on Sunday. It' only 5 minutes from my house and keeps me in shape. Best wishes on finishing the winter 4,000 footers in one season!
Thank you for the compliment on my waterfall pictures. I'm getting that new camera figured out...
Just curious when you might be headed back up this way to New Hampshire for some hiking. I would like to get together when you do so be sure to let me know when. Hope all is well with you and have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year too. yours in hiking Sunshine Chris
Yep ... have to get in some better shape ..... I should have ample time this winter.
'greenie' - Ash Says she's hiking the AT come March. We shall see...
Adam, oh adam, please come back to vftt. Where, oh where, have you been????