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Thanks, I think it was one of the closest brushes with a major hiking accident I've ever had. I still marvel at how it turned out and it did indeed make me even more cautious through sections where a spill would have been potentially much worse.
Sorry I missed saying bye last night. It was so difficult to leave but I had an early morning that I could not back away from. I had promise a friend I would join her and a select group of friends as she completed her list.
Thanks for the comment on my signature winter warlock. Its about time i updated that but i like the saying so much i done want to change it! Great Thoreau quote you have too. Happy trails.
Thanks Fisher Cat, I felt the same way about the promotion of books, either directly in posts or indirectly in avatars, signature lines, links. Thanks for raising the issue, I'm glad I'm not alone.
Hi Dan, Meena & Janelle,
I dont know if you remember me & my husband... we were coming down from Mt Crawford as you were hauling up & we commented about you guys backpacking & how beautiful it is to camp out on top of Stairs Mt ~~the Giant Stairs.

So glad you had a wonderful time! I wish we would've known who you were @ that time.. but as soon as we saw your pictures on this trip report we knew it was you that we passed. We were very impressed with Janelle climbing the step Davis Path to Mt Crawford with a good sized pack.
Hope to see you again in the future. Good luck with your adventures & quest for the 52WAV!
Tricia & Bob
thank you Mountain49 for the kind words on your Osseo trail conditions, but all credit goes to the 4 of us. Couldn't be done without evrybody's efforts!
I bet that was fun in the rain :). We're heading back to the White Mountains on 10/12 to 10/20. Naturally we have lots of hikes in mind; I'll get back in touch early next week.
Hi Donna, It was great to meet you guys too! We had a nice long bushwhack in the rain the next day. Remind me when you are coming back north? Soon right?
Kerry, You asked, "What's next ?????"
It was nice meeting you at the celebratory dinner for Mark, Natalie and Rex at Moat Mountain. Hope to see you on the trail on another of our trips.
Sorry we missed meeting you at Mark and Natalie's finale on Saturday. It didn't dawn on me until Mark and I were talking that evening at dinner who Dan McGuinness is. Only know you as DM Outdoors. Now we know your actual name. Hope to meet up with you one day.