LOL...I get your drift.And isn't the speed limit on RT 11 there 50mph? That's 5 mph faster than on the Franconia Parkway.![]()
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LOL...I get your drift.And isn't the speed limit on RT 11 there 50mph? That's 5 mph faster than on the Franconia Parkway.![]()
From latest Conway daily sun. Locals ain’t happy with trail usage.
The locals do not own the trails, they own the property they bought and live on. If you don't want to deal with tourist, don't move to an area where it thrives. People are going to go out, that is a fact. I myself, never stay home, me and my dog are out all the time when I'm not working. I have frankly had enough of the 'stay home' police. If your not a government official, mind your own business. Even on this site, there are people who are borderline militant about it. Stay in your house if you want too. Its possible to go out and be safe, I'm not even suggesting that the crowds at Dianna's Baths are a good thing, but its up to the Forest Service to block the lots.
Isnt it a law in CT to wear a mask?
Yes it is! An executive order is legally binding, and it is now the law in Connecticut that anyone in a public place must wear a mask. People in grocery stores and at gas stations were mostly compliant, but not everyone. Now, anyone trying to walk into a store without one is going to get kicked out.
If an executive order cannot describe something precisely enough that it would not need to use a word "appropriate" (as in "appropriate personal protective equipment") I doubt it can withstand any real challenge in court."WHEREAS, there exists a compelling interest, in order to limit the transmission of COVID-19,
in requiring the use of appropriate personal protective equipment in public places when and where
the risk of transmission is higher; and..."
If an executive order cannot describe something precisely enough that it would not need to use a word "appropriate" (as in "appropriate personal protective equipment") I doubt it can withstand any real challenge in court.
The Conway Daily Sun is a free advertising dependent newspaper. They want both tourist and local eyeballs to sell more advertising. It is not unusual for them to pick up on topics of controversial local interest during the week to get the non weekend readership up. If anyone believes that the letters to the editor are representative of the broad local area views they are sadly mistaken. Many of the same letter writers have been published for years as it draws attention to controversial causes.
That would make sense, out local paper has the same few people writing letters also and we know who they are. My guess is most newspapers have they dedicated writers sprinkled with a few new ones from time to time depending on the topic.
That is the name of the legislative unconstitutional game these days.
A quick little civics lesson here. The governor sits atop the executive branch. The General Assembly (or whatever the state's legislature is called) sits atop the legislative branch.
The problem is that legislatures are often not able to produce laws fast enough to keep up with developments, so most states, and the federal government, allow the executive to issue an "executive order" that has the force of law. Unless specifically barred by the constitution because the executive has no say over a topic, an executive order can fill the space not already filled by legislation, as long as the legislature itself could legally produce a law in that area.
The legislature can always pass a law that overrides an executive order, and the next executive can also simply undo a predecessor's order.
So, if a state's legislature can shut down state parks, for example, or limit the number of people who can assemble, and it hasn't, the governor can step in an issue an executive order doing just that and if the legislature doesn't like it, they can pass a law overriding it.
I hope that makes sense.
Not what I was talking about. That said, as to executive order use, both parties whine about abuse of that process by the other. In any event, I was talking about legislatures on both side of the political spectrum passing laws that infringe on fundamental rights and force various privately funded groups to fight long battles in the courts. Again, both parties engage in that conduct when in power. Only getting worse with the polarization of the country. A shame in my opinion.
To blame Congress is to grossly over-simplify what has really been happening in the legislative branch over the last decade at least. However, venturing into a coherent counter argument will surely place me over the line of acceptable commentary in this forum. I also take issue with your blanket statement about the Presidency and a "lack of good leaders" over the past few decades. Comparisons of some recent occupants show very stark differences. Am I straddling the line Mr Moderator or have I already crossed it?