Thanks again Trish. I'm so happy for you with the choice of your new dog. I think the Border Terrier is a great! choice as a hiking companion. Hope to see you out there with him some day.
Sunrise hike? Most certainly; the opportunities will be there, most notably in the winter. (I may even go so far as to create Facebook "events" and do the invites that way.) Stay tuned...
Thank you for your congratulations, Trish. Yep, getting married on October 10 -- 10/10/10, that is (but we didn't plan it that way, honest). I think Cindy's going to join me at Booze & Vittles on October 1. Hope to see you there!
Hey Trish,
Appreciate the "greenie". We figured we'd try to catch up with her right from the start and thought we might miss her when we were in Maine 2 weeks ago. Luck was on our side. WOW! Read today you and the girls are in Florida. Can't wait to read about your 'highpoint roadtrip." If you stop in Baltimore on your return, give us a ring.
The highpointing is going well -- we've now done the entire East Coast (except NY and Maine). Will start posting TRs on VFTT in a day or two. Hope to get a bunch more before heading north.
Thank you for your kind words as well. I forgot to mention that IMO the AMC (Despite all the beating they get on here) are some of the best teachers of trailwork techniques.