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  1. K

    Lost Hiker?

    OMG, that's too bad. I was just reading this to my husband as he saw the article in the newpaper about the accident. That's really sad to hear. My thoughts and prayers go our to her family.
  2. K

    Snow !

    WOW, snow already.... :D Bring it on! Time to get the skis ready(DH that is). Looking forward to another great ski season! I hope this coming weekend will be okay up around Hale, North, and South Twin mountains. We're planning an overnighter there. :D
  3. K

    Odd pets on trails

    OMG, these people are supposed to be "NON-Profit"???? That's just wrong for those kind of people to be acting that way. I can't believe they were throwing rocks at the poor cat.....should've thrown some rocks at them and hit 'em in the head and asked them how they'd like that? Even better tied...
  4. K

    Our first N.H. 4000 footer 2005-09-24

    Thanks eveyone, now if if can figure out how to add the pictures I will. We're thinking about doing an overnighter in a few weeks, any suggestions? Hoping to catch some really nice foilage. :)
  5. K

    Our first N.H. 4000 footer 2005-09-24

    Our last trip took us up Sandwich Dome, in the Sandwich mountain wilderness. That mountain is listed on one map as 3980 feet high, and alternately 3997 feet. We klimbed up onto the high peak and my husband waved his arm up. He can reach 7 feet high. That did not count for climbing a 4000 footer...
  6. K

    Vertigo moments

    Boy do I hear you there! The first time up Cathedral Ledge in Baxter scared the b-jesus outta me.....I "made" my then boyfriend, now husband, hold me at times. I was litterly shaking, by the time we got to the table lands we had no choice but to head back down through the Saddle trail. I...
  7. K

    The foliage is beginning to glow

    Can't wait to go see for myself this weekend. We're heading up to Mt. Jackson tomorrow. :D Not to push anything about winter, but I just saw an article in the Foster's Daily Democrat about having a cold, wet winter according to the Farmer's Almanac of Maine. :) And they also said "higher...
  8. K

    Hennessy Hammocks

    I've heard a lot of good things about this hammock also....but I tend to sleep on my side, as well as tossing and turning, so I don't know how that would work. 'Sides my hubby probably wouldn't be too excited about it either since it's just for one person???
  9. K

    Scary, but inevitable...

    That's a good one!!! ;)
  10. K

    Scary, but inevitable...

    I know what you mean, some days are better than others. I'm 49 and only been hiking for about 5 years now but also am very active in the outdoors. My husband and I do all kinds of stuff: biking, kayaking, swimming, snokeling, snowshoeing, x-country skiing, downhill skiing(I like that more than...
  11. K

    Tumble Down Mnt and Little Jackson

    Thanks Spencer, for the "real" report. I guess I can't blame her. I just hope the people that are doing the bitching about being gated aren't the ones trashing the place, that would just be wrong! :mad: As far as blaming the ATV's well....what I've seen with them, they just seem to be....I...
  12. K

    Tumble Down Mnt and Little Jackson

    Yeah, I heard that story too...about some out of state rich lady had purchased quite a bit of that area, not really sure how much. But I heard she got all uppitty about things and wanted to limit it's usage, but that's about all I heard. Not really sure how far it went. It's been a few years...
  13. K

    What are the hardest non technical climbs...

    OMG, I can definately say I haven't been there and will never be.... :eek:
  14. K

    What are the hardest non technical climbs...

    I have to agree with King tut also, although I can't say too much about the Knife edge on Katahdin, since I refuse to do it. Now I can say I'm been up the Cathedral Trail and will never do that again! Haven't been up the Abol, or the Pecipice so I can't say anything about either of those. Been...