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  1. K

    Mt Field/Tom

    Great! Thanks for all the info, after I discuss it more with hubby we'll decide which way to go. Sounds like it won't be much of an issue either way we go, course hubby will say, "it's up to you". I hate when he makes me decide..... ;) Can't be much worse than the Tripyramid's, course we didn't...
  2. K

    Mt Field/Tom

    We're thinking about doing Mt Field/Tom this Sunday and I'm wondering if anyone has done this and are there stream crossings that may be diffiicult with all of this rain? Also the loop we may do is Avalon/A-Z/Willey then down Avalon from Mt Field. Does it make any difference which way to do...
  3. K

    Bee Sting

    Well that's kinda scary. One would hope that it would only be used when absolutely necessary. I do have one and hope to never have to use it. As far as I know I'm not allergic to anything, but when it comes to life and death, I'd rather be safe than sorry. Course I wouldn't live to tell about...
  4. K

    Bee Sting

    They were actually yellow jackets. It was so quick I don't think it had time to inject much venom in. Right now, it still itches.....
  5. K

    NH Tornado

    Oh, yeah, I was trying to get home from Concord to Barrington after the fact about 3:30pm and got re-routed three times that day! I ended up going the looonnng way home that day. My usual route is pretty much all the way down Rte 4, right by where that happened. I ended up going waaayy over...
  6. K

    Bee Sting

    Yes that is what I understand about getting stung. The doctor has told me that until I have been exposed that there may not be any type of reaction. The thing that scares me the most is that both my mother and brother have a severe allergic reaction if they get stung. So now I think we will add...
  7. K

    Bee Sting

    I can't believe this is the first time I've ever gotten stung by a bee. But it happened yesterday. My husband has been helping our neighbor build a new dock. Now, we knew there was a bee nest there and it hasn't bothered anyone. Guess what happened was that our dog was around them, doing...
  8. K

    2008-07-27 Tripyramids 19, 20

    Had a great time this weekend. I was glad that we took the Scaur Ridge trail, although it may have been a bit longer, but coming down was pretty easy. I can't compare this to the other route because never have taken it, don't really know, but seems that this worked out for both myself and the...
  9. K

    Beautiful Baxter for My Birthday, July 18-21,Part I

    Happy Birthday! Sounds like you had a great time in Baxter. That's one of my favorite places. I love Chimney Pond, for that matter the whole park!
  10. K

    Livermore camping

    Thanks this is a lot of great information. By the sounds of all of it and our game plan is to take the Livermore Trail, up Scaur Ridge to North Tripyramid, over to the South Peak, then down Mt. Tripyramid Trail. Does this sound more doable? I'm not quite sure which trail will be the best to get...
  11. K

    Livermore camping

    How do you figure the Scaur Ridge Trail faster? Just curious. The book is saying that it adds about a mile more for the round trip......we were thinking about doing this, this weekend, as well, also as an overnighter. Eleven miles in one day is quite a lot for me and dog too. She's 13 yrs old...
  12. K

    Avoiding high water this weekend

    Humm....we wanted to do an overnighter with the Tripyramids this I wonder what we should really do.....any suggestions???
  13. K

    How about a berry thread

    Yep, we ate some blueberries out on our kayak ride this weekend our at Baxter Lake in NH. Just added to the day. :)
  14. K

    July 4th weekend invitation to Barnes Field

    Due to last minute cancelations, we may be up that way. All my plans just got blown all out the window, now we're in the screw-it mode, and may end up hiking instead of just hanging around......How do we find you on one of those nights? We also have a dog, she's very friendly, especially if...
  15. K

    Black Flies - Northern Whites - Moose

    I'm with you there.....
  16. K

    Request for Maine Info

    Yep, I totally agree with this statement, as I am a true Maina....and even with that, they absolutely love my blood. After hubby and I tried 2x in a row to do a weekend hike on Memorial Day was NOT a good time to do that. You definately had to move pretty fast, the black flies were pretty...
  17. K

    With all of this snow....

    Yep, I hear ya there! I hate those damm things! Then come the mosquitoes, my favorite. NOT! :eek:
  18. K

    Baselayer suggestions

    I have pretty much the same problem. No matter how cold it is out, once I start moving I sweat like crazy. Take for instance last weekend when I was hiking out of Baxter in single digit numbers with some wind. Both my husband and a friend reminded me of starting out light, but unfortunately to...
  19. K

    Crawford Path to Mt. Pierce, two bull moose, 12/26/07

    Very nice pics! I agree, you must change your name to one of the above mentioned.... ;) :D So did you keep the antler? That's soo cool!
  20. K

    Pemi Loop 11/3

    OMG! That's way too funny! :D I love it. And BTW, Corona is a good beer, nice and cold with lime of course.