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  1. Rick

    Forest Fire in PA

    I keep meaning to get up there - When I do it is usually unorganized, jump in the truck on a friday night and gte up there at 2AM on Saturday and return Sunday eve. One of my backpack trips on the STS through Cross Forks was during the Rattlensake festival around '93 or '94. It was pretty...
  2. Rick

    Forest Fire in PA

    Sorry all, was offline a couple of days. Yes Bethlehem is about 60 miles Due East of Centralia\. Centralia is a pretty wild place to visit. While you are at it. Stop in on the AT and enjoy some sections of the trail between here and Eckville. (PM me for a shuttle in this area :) ) There are...
  3. Rick

    Forest Fire in PA

    Same thing here - I live over near South Mountain (Bethlehem) and the fire trucks were running until the wee hours early Saturday AM trying to put out the grass fires.
  4. Rick

    you might be in New Hampshire if you...

    ...If 4 outta 5 cars you see have MA License plates. (Now could someone from NH give me a greenie rep so I can finally break 400!!!?!?!?!? :D :D )
  5. Rick

    Endangered Hemlocks

    The Hemlock is my absolute favorite Tree. I have many memories of hiking in the cool runs along streams in Northern PA wandering amongst these quiet giants and feeling the 10 -15 degree temperature difference as their massive coverage blocks out even the hottest of the suns rays. Sadly...
  6. Rick

    NJ 1K's Club...

    Awesome. I just signed up!!
  7. Rick

    Guess who?

    Never heard of him... Website takes too long to open.. Who is he?? A musician?
  8. Rick

    How Big of a VFTT **** Are You?

    Slip a couple of singles in his polypro waistband and he might even hike witcha!!!!!!! :D :D
  9. Rick

    $349 for gas

    I was going to comment about a fairly new thread on WB about PM. I went over their to grab the link for you and realized you started the thread Doh!!!! I hate even making simple trail notes for myself on a Bberry, and TJ's would require een more writing....
  10. Rick

    $349 for gas

    How do you like the Passat? This is my 3rd TDI(an '05). The newer Pump Dusse Engines have more horsepower and get a bit less fuel economy than the A3's/B4's or A4's, which is what I think you have. The newer restyled Jettas have even less economy. However, That's 44 MPG when driving 80-85 on...
  11. Rick

    $349 for gas

    What'r you driving? a Liberty CRD? I have a VW Golf TDI and usually get about 44 MPG. 'Course, as you said DSL is now over $4 and I can still get RUL here in NJ for about $2.95. Hurts to pay a dollar more, but then again, driving a Diesel is a blast.
  12. Rick

    NY/NJ kayak canoe camping trip?

    Duh!!!!! Shoulda read "new baby and my 7 year old son's music lessons"!!! I am such an idiot at times!!!!! :D
  13. Rick

    NY/NJ kayak canoe camping trip?

    Yikes!!! This feel to the back of my mind behind, cub scout camping setup, Kids LaCrosse, Kids TaiKwanDo the new baby music lessons and work!!!
  14. Rick

    Who's got the flu?

    Sorry to hear about the passing of your mother.. but this situation is interesting from teh following perspective: I work in NJ. I was hit hard with a cold earlier this year - really hard. At least 2 weeks of heavy cold symptoms and then the bronchial thing for another 2 weeks, nonstop Nasal...
  15. Rick

    Who's got the flu?

    Not entirely correct The vaccine is at least 40% effective this year, though it is the lowest in almost 20 years of influenza vaccine production. FWIW, There are 3 viral strains that make up the serum of influenza vaccines. Each year the WHO and the major vaccine manufacturers (Pasteur...
  16. Rick

    Who's got the flu?

    Might I kindly point out that being sick for a week or so might not exactly inlfluenza. Influenza will take you down - in bed - easily for 3-7 days - Like what Kevcon was describing. There are distinct differences between a cold and influenza: Odds are if you have sneezing, runny nose and a...
  17. Rick

    Honesty of a Winter Forty Sixer

    ...Well she did find it between December 21st and March 21st.....
  18. Rick

    purchasing VFTT bumper sticker?

    I'm in for a dozen or so. They are nice to keep on hand and give away (or sell) years after the board runs out of them..... :D
  19. Rick

    A hard half skirt?

    I think you are talking about the new dashboards. I saw them at Cabela's recently as a new seasonal item - Pretty cool idea. Here is a link They are made by harmony.... Kayak Dashboard
  20. Rick

    XC glide wax - liquid vrs a solid

    DP is right on. I usually buy a big block of pink (CH6?) every 3-4 years and slowly use it up ironing and scraping - usually doing it several times to cleanthe skiis first before melting, ironing and scraping the last layer. After I brush (nylon brush), I rub down/polish with used dryer...