2005 Peakbagging Recap


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2005 was a good year for me, albeit rather short. From June 1st to Labor Day I hiked Tecumseh, the entire Carter Range, Washington/Monroe, the Tri's, the Hancocks, the Willey Range, and hiked to a bunch of lakes and ponds too.

It was a short year due to the late snow melt in the spring and house shopping in the fall. I've now got 39 of the NH48 done and if I can ever drag my lazy butt out to Owls Head, I'll actually have a shot at completing this list.

newest New Hampshire resident
2005, the year I was permanently infected with the peak bagging bug!
All Maine 3K's:
Snow (Chain of Ponds)
Big Spencer
Kibby Mtn. (the one with the platform on top, how many peaks named Kibby are there anyway?)
Boundary Bald
Big Jackson
The Horns-North Peak
Snow (Cupsuptic)
Mt. Blue
Cranberry Peak

Best VFTT: Boundary Bald
HP of the Year 12,020 ft. approx. Gore Range Overlook RMNP.
started in April, went til November. Was going to try 'official winter' this year, but a ridiculous work schedule and 2 or 3 go rounds with flu-like symptoms (still ongoing) have shut me down for a good 6 weeks or so.

new stuff:
ME: all 14 4Ks plus Goose Eye, Fulling, Carlo, South Horn, Baldpate (well west anyway), first trip to BSP

VT: alll 5 4Ks plus Equinox, Pico and my first real bushwhack (Mendon)

NH: Cannonball, Sleepers, Weeks, Baldfaces, Osseo trail, Uncanoonucs, Welch/Dickey, Webster Cliff

NH: Cannon, Adams, Madison, Lafayette, Lincoln, Flume (twice), Liberty (twice), Waumbek, Whiteface, Jackson, Garfield, Arethusa Falls, South Twin

plus I met a whole lot of new people: AMSTony, Cantdog, Skimom, Sherpa John and Sarah, Lendawg, Chinooktrail, Drewski, MEB, Little Sister, Coldmountain, Amicus, sal, Yam, BobandGeri, Quietman, Barbarossa, Double Bow and several others (sorry if I left you out, I'm bad with names)

and I got to see several others again that I met on the trais last yearl: Posion Ivy, Alpinista, HikerBob, and Arghman
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Snowy (ADK HH repeat)
Street (ADK 46)
Saddleback (ADK HH Jay Range)
Jay (ADK HH)
Indian Head (CAT 35)
Twin (CAT 35)
Sugarloaf (CAT 35)
Plateau (CAT 35)
Lower Wolfjaw (ADK 46 repeat)
Upper Wolfjaw (ADK 46 repeat)
Armstrong (ADK 46 repeat)
Gothics (ADK 46 repeat)
Wright (ADK 46 repeat)
Algonquin (ADK 46 repeat)
Iroquois (ADK 46 repeat)
Carrigain (NH 4k)
Jackson (NH 4k)
Pierce (NH 4k)
Eisenhower (NH 4k)
Monroe (NH 4k)
Washington (NH 4k)
Jefferson (NH 4k)
Hiked in and out of Indian Pass
First trip to New Hampshire
Most Notable:
Standing on top of Mount Washington with virtually no haze and a 5mph breeze.
Rock climbing the MacIntyre Furnace and getting paid to do it.
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Pilot Knob Ridge bushwack
Taconic Crest Trail
Puffer Mt(ADK100)
Stewart Mt (ADK100) bushwack
Blue Ridge- Indian Lake(ADK100) bushwack
Little Moose(ADK100) bushwack
Saddleback(ADK100) bushwack
Jay(ADK100) bushwack
Blue Ridge-Racquette Lake(ADK100) bushwack
Blue Ridge-Blue Mtn Lake(ADK100) bushwack
Little Santanoni(ADK100) bushwack
Dun Brook(ADK100)
Fishing Brook & Fishing Brook Range(ADK100's)
Sawtooth #1(ADK100) bushwack
Pilot Knob
2 unnamed here ADK100 bushwack's(on private land with permission)
Morgan(ADK100) bushwack
Wilmington PK(ADK100) bushwack
John's Brook Valley - Southside hike with family
Mt Vanhoevenburg
Avalanche Mt(ADK100)
Baxter Mt
Sawtooth #2(ADK100) bushwack
Unnamed Peak - East Pocket Lookout - Arizona
Grand Canyon - Arizona
Lew Tank Meadows - Arizona
Mt Humphreys - Arizona
Sawtooth#3(ADK100) bushwack
Panther & Buell (ADK100) bushwacks
Black Dome & Thomas Cole(Cats)
Hoffman Mt(ADK100) bushwack
Balsam Mt(Cats)
Tanque Verde Ridge - Arizona
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mostly stuff in the White Mtns...
nh4K's: Tecumseh, Flume, Hancocks, Madison, Adams, Tripyramids, Whiteface, Passaconaway, Wildcats, Carters, Owls Head, Moriah, Twins, Cabot

other: Boott Spur, J Q Adams, Goose Eye + Carlo (repeat) + S Peak Fulling Mill, Spaulding & Abraham in Maine, Puzzle Mtn in Grafton Notch

botany: Phyllodoce caerulea, Silene acaulis, Polygonum viviparum, Epilobium hornemanni, Veronica wormskjoldii, Prenanthes boottii, Betula nana, Salix uva-ursi, Salix planifolia, Arnica mollis, Castilleja septentrionalis, Geocaulon lividum, Solidago cutleri, Paronychia argyrocoma, + some unexpected sightings of plants seen in prior years: Loiseleuria procumbens, Rubus chamaemorus, and Arctostaphylos alpina.
In 2005 I bagged 68 peaks; 34 in ME, 20 in NH, & 14 in VT.

4k's = 12
3k's = 50

I completed the NEHH & NE67 on Hamlin Peak August 7th.
This is also the year the ME3k 'whack bug bit me!
Well I started hiking semi-seriously in May/June...and discovered the pesky 4000K list in July, so this is what I got done in the second half of 2005:

NH 4K's: 33 of them including Washington, Garfield, Lafayette and Lincoln all 3x, and Moosilauke, Flume, Liberty, Monroe and Jackson all 2x.

NH non 4K's: Welch, Dickey, N + S Baldface, Sandwich Dome, Jennings Peak, North/Middle/South Moat, Hight, Chocorua

and I still haven't made it to VT or NY!!
The Year in Review

Well, this year will be very tough for me to top - when I started hiking again in August 2004 I quickly became hell bent on finishing my 4ks before my 40th birthday. As I mentioned to MEB yesterday, a hiking list and a time limit = hiking obsession. :D

In 2005 I found myself needing 30 peaks left on my list. My first hike was in early March on Mount Willard and I did not get a 4k this year until April 30. I ended up hiking:

37 days hiked
323.6 miles hiked
91400 feet in elevation gain (hey - that is more than three Everests!)
59 peaks
37 4ks (34 in NH, 3 in VT)
3 3ks (Sandwich Dome, the Bulge, the Horn)

17 days of hikes were on snow and ice (and I still have no official winter 4ks!)

10 hikes were in rather heavy rain

A few repeats - Carter Dome, Zealand, South Twin, Galehead and Liberty have been at least twice.

Bars drinken at: Mooseland Grill (3 times), Boston Beer Works, Kinsale, Red Hat (Boston Beer Nights are rather popular!)

I did manage to finish my 48 one day ahead of schedule and I have enjoyed hiking even more since finishing - it is nice not to be so list driven - peaks like Sandwich Dome and Mount Tremont are so nice, and they are not 4ks!

With baby # 2 on the way in less than 10 weeks :eek: I know I will not rack up these kind of numbers this year, but I will cherish each time I get out.

In closing - the hikes are great but they do not even come close to the new friends that I have made in the hiking world. I had never met anyone from VFTT before March of 2005 (well, I did know Pat Sallese from a previous lifetime!) and I now feel like I have so many friends who share my passion for hiking - it has been truly a great experience - we all know that non hiking friends do not convert so well.

Happy New Year everyone and I look forward to getting out with all of you again!
-30 ADK High Peaks, plus Noonmark, all in the summer.
-Finished the Catskill 35 on West Kill, lots of Catskill repeats, including about 26 in winter.
-About 15 or 16 of the Catskill Hundred Highest
-Mileage record for '05 was the Catskill Escarpment as a dayhike
-Lots of hikes in the Shawangunks, a few in Harriman State Park, one in the South Taconics
-about a half-dozen overnights

In '06 I'd like to finish off the Catskill winter 35 and the ADK 46; go to Vermont, New Hampshire and maybe Maine; do more backpacking; do some trailwork; and volunteer at a fire tower or two (Red Hill, perhaps Overlook); learn more about identifying tree, plant and bird species and other nerdy/naturalist stuff (Don't know if I can get those Latin names together as well as Arghman, though)

My peakbagging accomplishments

NH 4k's, I would like to do them all solo and non solo:
New peaks: Carrigain, all three Bonds; total now 42.
New solo peaks: Moosilauke; all three Bonds;total now 26
New non-solo peaks: Both Tripyramids, Carrigain; total now 22
Funny that I am not done, yet my totals equal 48 (course with the 3 and four time peaks, I am in the 50's)

Vt 4k's:
New peaks: Killington; total now 3, all of them solo
New winter peaks: Abraham; total now 1(for all of New England), was done solo.

New peak: Pico, total now 2

Being there for someone's 48th:
Double Bow-Carrigain, first and only time being with someone when they finished, so far, though I did cross paths on Bond with someone who just finished 47 and was about to end on Bondcliff (I was going to West Bond)

In looking at my peakbagging, I realize that I did not get quite as much checked off as in either of the prior two years, despite hiking as much. The slowed peakbagging has a few reasons; 1. the further you get, the less there is to do, and the less of a rush to make progress, plus its nice to get back to places, returned to several places this year. 2. Hiking with friends who have lists that are not as far along. 3. Doing non list stuff cause I (or my friends) felt like it, such as the Moats, Mount Major, Monadnock, Patuckaway, CT AT, and other nice peaks not on the "major" lists(though everything has got to be on some list somewhere)
Hmm ... let's think about this ...

Winter peaks
South & Middle Carter
West Bond

3-Season Peaks
Saddleback & The Horn
N & S Crocker
N & S Brother, Fort, Coe
Mt. Katahdin, Baxter & Hamlin peaks
Owl's Head
Killington, Mendon, Pico
Lafayette, Lincoln, Little Haystack, Liberty, Flume
Fulling, Goose Eye, Carlo
Peak Above the Nubble
Acadia: Champlain, the Beehive, the Bubbles
Sandwich Dome
East & West Sleeper
Cannon & NE Cannonball

First Baxter winter trip
First Baxter summer trip
First Acadia Trip
Finished NE67 4000-footers
Visited the Galápagos

Alpine Skiing
Sunday River

If it wasn't past midnight I'd figure out the mileages...
Oh this is a great opportunity for me to stop procrastinating with something I've wanted to do for a while! And an even better opportunity to procrastinate wherein it pertains to doing my schoolwork...

Here goes!

1. Slide, 2. Balsam, 3. Black Head, 4. Black Dome, 5. Hunter, 6. SW Hunter, 7. Windham High Peak, 8. Panther, 9. Twin, 10. Sugar Loaf

Hardscrabble Knob (4282'), Big Bald Knob (4120'), Old Rag (3268'), Robertson (3296')

NY: Gothics, Armstrong, Cascade, Porter
VT: Mansfield
ME: Beehive, Precipice, Cadillac
NH: Tom
VA: Rogers (5729'), Old Rag many times, Robertson many times, Stony Man (4011'), Hawksbill (4051')
TN: Chimney Tops (4700'), Greenbrier Pinnacle (4597'), Cammerer (4928')

Colden, Cascade, Rocky, Giant

34 in all...

Wow..you can see what I didn't spend my fall/spring doing. Hopefully this year will net me a few more than last..then maybe my boots won't chafe so much! ;)
greatest accomplishments

*Conquered my knee problem, which appeared and worsened in 2004, by eliminating leg extension machine from gym workout.

*Finally made it to West Bond (day hike)

Happy Trails!
Peakbagging...the final chapter

Completed 46 and hence 111/115 (Last peak... Allen, August)

Alpine Circuit, Lake O'hara, Yoho NP, BC (September)
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Focusing on NH4Ks:

  • Passaconaway: April 9
  • N. Twin: July 5
  • Bond, W. Bond, & Bondcliff: July 6
  • Whiteface: July 8
  • Osceola: July 9
  • Wildcat A: July 29
  • E. Osceola: July 30
  • Flume & Liberty: August 12
  • Wildcat D: August 13
  • Carrigain: September 3 (#48)
sapblatt said:
a hiking list and a time limit = hiking obsession. :D

I agree with Sapblatt! :D :) :D

Starting in May, I was determined that I would finish the remaining 15 of the 48 by my birthday, just two months later. I wound up doing it in 1.5 months on my way to beating my personal record of most 4Ks in a year by 40!

NH 4Ks: N Hancock(3x), S Hancock(3x), N Tripyramid(2x), M Tripyramid(2x), Owl's Head, Hale, Flume, Liberty(2x), Cabot, Washington, Monroe, Eisenhower(2x), Pierce(2x), Jackson, Jefferson, Zealand, West Bond, Bond, Bondcliff, Madison, Carrigain, Moriah, Osceola, E. Osceola, Isolation, Garfield, Tecumseh, Cannon, Passaconaway, N. Kinsman, Moosilauke, Lincoln, Lafayette

ME 4Ks: Spaulding, Sugarloaf, Crocker, S Crocker, Redington, Old Speck

VT 4Ks: Abraham, Ellen, Camel's Hump

CA: Lost Horse (JTNP), Ryan (JTNP)

Other accomplishments: 10 other NEHHs, 15 other NHHHs, weeklong backpack on the LT, lots o' 'whackin'!, lots of "non-list" peaks, joining VFTT, going to VFTT Gathering 8.0, meeting Ed Viesters, 1st time sea kayaking, getting into winter hiking, and met a whole boatload of wonderful people.

Total miles: over 500!

I just want to thank my wife for being so understanding and joining me on a lot of these trips. I'd also like to thank all the Views friends I hiked with in '05, Gator, Eric Savage, Arghman, jmegillon149, Whtmthiker, Barbarossa, Sapblatt, MEB, Little Sister, Hiker Bob, Tuco, Rols, Tom Rankin, Bob&Geri, Docross, Drewski, Onestep, Adamiata, RR6288 and anyone else I'm forgetting right now. Thank you also to the folks I met off the trail and everyone I've chatted with online. I can't say it enough. You guys are the best!

Here's to another great year on (and off) the trails!!!
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05 and 59

05 saw 59 4k's with a lot of other rambles thrown in for fun.I did three great range runs ( Keene valley to garden ) one in winter one in spring with evil snow spine most of the way and one in july in 10hr.2min.I did my 6th annual dix run up the E.dix slide and out round pond ( the day after range run ).Also a few runs through the santanonies.Finished the NH 48 with my son.A winter trip to the whites,and vermont.Hardest was breaking trail up valley way in thigh deep snow in 52 mph winds.nicest was mt. Moriah with my wife in nov. after big snow on a very warm sunny day.most fun was july range run in cool mist.Loved every moment that I was out there.
Sleep in the stars
don't you cry
dry your eyes
on the wind. (GD)
My list

Winter Peaks (11)
Vly, 1st winter peak, Thanks Tom Rankin
Slide, 1st Winter solo
Indian Head

(Catskills-3500) (8)
Northdome, 1st solo bushwhack

Non list hikes
North Lake escarpment trail, introductory hike for boy scouts
Overlook, introductory hike for girl scouts

(ADK) (5)
1. Algonquin, 1st ADK
2. Wright
3. Iroquois
4. Colden
5. Marcy, 1st 5K

Trail work: 10 Hrs.

Miles Hiked: 135+

Different people I hiked with: 51

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