No! The impact of humans is definitive.
Furthermore the symptoms are not distorting nature's equilibrium and compensation mechanisms, it is the volume and rate of production of greenhouse gases that humans have created and are creating that are causing the catastrophic distortion. This isn't news, we've known this for more than generation. Literally.
When I was a younger man, I drove up from Boston with my dad and his brother to open up my grandfathers camp on Lake Champlain. My uncle was not a moron. He has a PhD in Chemistry from Princeton and taught at BU for a few years.
He's also a religious fundamentalist and for 4 hours, I endured his lectures on the various chemical reactions that explained a the 7-day creation narrative in Genesis and a 6500 year age of the earth.
Years later I found a study (long since lost it) that showed a positive correlation between self-identification in conservative religious or political organizations and human caused global warming denial.
Stepping back a bit, one might ask how our media outlets became tools for oligarchs and corporations and put the blame with first Reagan's and second Clinton's dissolution of the fairness doctrine. Or one could point to the the Powell memo (of '71?) that galvanized the explicit capture of the government by capital. Or I suppose one could simply point to the anti-democratic structures on the Constitution that Madison and others explicitly added to protect the interests of landed elites (e.g., the Whiskey Rebellion). Regardless, Shegloff was right. Control the frame, control the outcome.
I heard Cornell West and Noam Chomsky discussing humanity's response to global warming. Chomsky flatly asserted that humanity isn't intelligent enough to survive. West, ever the optimist, said he wants to believe that humans are, but he admits being increasingly convinced by his anarchist brother.
As for me... I drove up to Belvedere this past weekend for hunting camp and because I suck as a hunter and because I don't know how to hunt the big woods when
there is no snow on the ground for the second year in a row, I'll be driving back up after Thanksgiving for another (ahem) shot at it. I'll camp in the back of our gas guzzling Tundra and I'll be wearing clothing and boots that aren't sustainable and eating food that isn't sustainable.
As a socialist, I no longer fault my science denying brothers and sisters, nor even the capitalist who manipulate them with their media outlets. My deepest frustration is with the left. The current left is long on its criticisms of capitalism but short on believable alternatives for a future that is democratic, durably just and sustainable.