3rd Annual VFTT Adirondack BBQ and Gathering August 18th thru August 21st


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A big honkin' side of beef.


What's the plan for food contributions for Saturday? Side dishes?
Although new to posting, I've been using the site for some time. I've seen the invite now for months, and have decided to make the run with my sidekick Wardy. Won't arrive until Thursday night, and will hike both Friday and Saturday. We both have 31 down, and 15 to go. Let me know if you need anything, we'll be glad to assist in any way we can, work wise, or $$. Looking forward to it. slamdog
slamdog said:
Let me know if you need anything, we'll be glad to assist in any way we can, work wise, or $$. Looking forward to it. slamdog
Peak_Bagr's always looking for a volunteer to clean out the latrines. Now THAT'S something to look forward to. :eek:
Bring a twelve pack and something snack on by the fire and we'll be golden. Thank for joining in.

Just so everyone knows I'll have parking mapped out this year, so it will be a breeze.
I would like to volunteer my pal Wardy to clean the latrines (as he hasn't checked the posts yet). And yes, I have cash. Six dollars and twenty five cents, the last I checked. But I can make that go a long ways. We will bring both beverage, and culinary delights. People will have no difficulty recognizing me. If you see an older, heavier, out of shape, disheveled man, who you think must be lost, as he could have never made it to even the Cascade or Porter summits, that is me. Taking July 29th to August 7th off to work on the 15 peaks I have left, so I should be prepped to hike the 19th and 20th as well. Looking forward to it. slamdog
slamdog said:
...If you see an older, heavier, out of shape, disheveled man, who you think must be lost...that is me. slamdog
Great! My new drinking buddy (and long lost twin?)! We should make some pair! See you then!

Edit: wait a minute. Older doesn't count until you hit 50!!! (and I just checked: 47? Old? Yikes! Makes some of us ancient!)
SherpaKroto said:
Great! My new drinking buddy (and long lost twin?)! We should make some pair! See you then!

Edit: wait a minute. Older doesn't count until you hit 50!!! (and I just checked: 47? Old? Yikes! Makes some of us ancient!)

Ok Youngster. Am I too old to raise a glass with you?

I'll probably definately be there, I think. At least for a day or two.

Parking will be to the left of my house in the tree farm. You can drive right to my backyard through there, but not onto the backyard. I will have it flagged out by Wednesday. It looks like there will be somewhere around 60 people this year, but parking won't be an issue.
Spence, that sounds great. Keep it dry for us this year!

SK - sure... throw away old drinking buddies for new ones!!

Slamdog - what did you do, win the lottery?? Remember 1/3 to the saving account for hiking gear you can't live without!!

Cantdog - I'm thinking I'd love to trek around with the host, but I could be talked into something -- Dial/Nippletop, Sawtheeth/Pyrimid/Gothic/Armstrong/U-Wolfjaw (spot cars),
Colvin/Blake, Porter/Cascade (spot cars)

Important question - is the Dr. going to show up?

Lastly, our kind and generous host really extends himself on our behalf. Last year the cost of a port-a-potty was covered by a vfft member or a consortium or members (not sure). I'm suggesting that we help with pooled resources. If slamdog is willing to tithe, then we already would have 63 cents (whatever happened to the cents sign on computers? -- did we loose it in favor of the tilde?). I'll do that and even double it. Seriously, a mere suggestion that we come prepared to drop $5 or $10 in a pot (no pun) to defray incidental costs.
SherpaK, please don't say "ancient!" Wait till I tell you what HarryK called me and Pat. He'd better get on the repentance wagon again!

Julie, I'm happy that you can make it for Marshall on Friday.

We won't be equipped to contribute any home-made yummies, but we'll try to get creative in the Elizabethtown foodmart.

Can't wait to see you all again and welcome our newbies!
bubba said:
SK - sure... throw away old drinking buddies for new ones!!
Whoa! I'm going for distance on this one! I remember being one of the last ones standing on quite a number of occasions! Besides, I'm an equal opportunity imbiber ;) I've never been accused of turning my back on my drinking partners! The Doctor will be making house calls.
Audrey: so, Harry's beer wagon is starting up again :D ?
Julie: I knew it was only a matter of time before the ADK's came calling! Saturday would be a good day to do Giant and Rocky Peak Ridge.
Harry, Harry, Harry... a few weeks away from me and you go back to all your old habits! Looking forward to seeing you!
Spence/Matti/Brian: looking forward to seeing you folks again! Been too long!
Since I will be hiking with Audrey and Pat for the week, I won't be able to bring any veggie or chicken quesadillas. Sorry. :( I've been trying to come up with an alternative to the beef for those out there who are vegetarians. I could make a Mexican Corn Pie and dehydrate it so I could rehydrate it for the pot luck on Saturday. But that's about the best I could do since I won't have access to a kitchen before the Gathering.
Just wondering...Anybody planning on doing the Sewards during gathering weekend?
SherpaKroto said:
I've never been accused of turning my back on my drinking partners!

You still haven't been!! Just seeing if you were paying attention... ;)

Glad to hear that that Dr. will be in. I'm asuming that I can find him around my neck of the woods prior to the gathering??
cantdog said:
If any of Bubba's proposals don't materialize, I could do it as Plan B since I currently need tham all.
Actually, my plans, which are still tenuous, are to finish a backpacking trip in the Sewards. If things work out I will start the trip on wednesday from somewhere else. I thought it would be cool to meet up with people from the gathering on D or E.
3rd annual gathering

Just wanted to thank my stepandahalf brother Slamdog for volunteering my services. What a guy!? As always i,m sure he will be happy to assist me.(Yeah rrrrriiiiiggghhhtttt)
Looking forward to the weekend, and cant wait to get my boots in the dirt!
