Adirondack summer gathering--BBQ

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It looks like I might be able to make it after all!!!

The roof is the project for this weekend, and you won't find me up there!

BoB wrote:

just think- a free makeover! Any sort of water damage could only be an improvement to my place...

Yeah - I'm trying to look on the bright side of things - finally, I can get rid of that really UGLY carpet.

I was planning on the dining room to be the next room on my list to paint (that would take care of all the rooms downstairs), but it appears that the priority has changed. Now I need to come up with colors for the bedroom (it is currently white - UGH). Maybe I'll bring some paint chips with me and you can all give me your $.02 worth on color choices. :D:D

Looks like I can be there Saturday night. Save me some food! I'm up for an easy hike Sunday. -ALG
For those interested, there are a few of us hiking Haystack on Friday. We are meeting at the Rooster Comb trailhead at 6:45 Friday morning are carpooling up to the garden trailhead. The initial plans did not include Saddelback and Basin. Could that change? That would depend of how everyone was feeling and the time. Its a long day just to get Haystack and we definitely want to get to Crickets for dinner Friday. Personally, I am hiking the Sewards and Allen the week after the gathering so I do not want to burn myself out on Friday.
My time-schedule was unable to move up, so I may not get to dinner until 8:30... beers at that point... if it's later than that I may go directly to Spence's and see ya'll when ya return.
My apolgies for punking out on the Saturday hike and picnic.
I was trying to tie-in a Friday biz trip to the area that fell apart on Thursday.
Had all the beer, food and snacks in the car and the deluge began on Friday, and was Noah pull up the gangplank all Friday nite and still teeming on Saturday morning early when I got up for the drive north.
Inasmuch as it looked like Saddleback-Jay would be a waste of good views in the clouds, I elected to bag the 2 1/2 hour drive up on Saturday afternoon.
I was really hoping to meet so many of you and look forward to the next time.

Spence, thanks for all the effort and planning that went into this one. I'm sure everyone had a great time at the cookout.
Wished I could have joined the party up Avalance on Friday. We'll bag it this winter.

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I just want you guys to know that I showed up...I was the guy sleeping in the blue subaru in the rain saturday morning. I got there early and fell asleep. I was hoping you'd see me there and kick my car to wake me up...anyway--I hiked noonmark on saturday, then went and visited a friend in plattsburgh saturday night. See you guys next time.

Sorry I missed you Doug. I got there Sat evening. I hiked Noonmark Sunday on a beautiful sunny day, with some new friends. What a view! Much thanks to Spence for hosting and providing food and shelter for all. For the brief time I was there, it was a great time.
Doug I would have kicked your ass out of bed if I had noticed. I never saw you, and never left the house on saturday either. There were at least 10 of us sitting around under the tent in the back yard, eating breakfast and bs'ing until noon. Are you sure you were in my yard.:confused: :D

Thank you to all for the great time I had all weekend.

Did anyone else have a hard Monday at work??
It was definitely your yard--I went by it the first time, then went back and noticed the VFTT cardboard sign out front. I planned on going back on saturday after hiking, but I had the rare opportunity to go have some fun with someone in Plattsburgh I haven't seen since last October. Anyway, I'm at 49 down, 51 to go. At least I know where to park for Hurricane now. I might see you guys at the Catskill gathering in september--I turn 33 on 9-16, so that will be my B-day present to myself.
thx for the invite


Can't talk to much, got back today at 3 this afternoon.. thx a million for the invite, Jordan had a blast with the kids... I can't believe i physically and mentally did what i did... we hiked Marcy yesterday and came down this am... bear ate our neighbors food, Jordan was scared, so was i a little... gotta repack and leave at 4 am for binghamton, then off to niagra and then 1000 islands... will send pictures in a few weeks, you got a great family, and friends... David
Coldfeet - That's one busy week you've lined up. Congratulations to you and Jordan on Marcy. I'd invite you to my home while you're in the neighborhood this weekend, but I'm heading North to Algonquin Provincial Park. It was great hiking with you and your son.

As far as bears taking food, there is a recommendation this year that all overnight campers use an approved food canister ("bear barrel") to keep food in at all times when not eating. The bears have wised up to bags in trees. This recommendation will likely be a mandate next year. So far, bears haven't been able to solve the canisters, but they may visit you at dinner time while you have all of your food laid out!
OK...I am back. Loooong time to be in Pearl Harbor in the summer.

Of course my home computer is still dead, so I wont be online too much for a little while. pictures of index fingers??????? I heard rumors of photos under a full moon or something to that effect....??????


Hope you all had fun. Wish I could have been there.

- darren
Darren-- I promised it wouldn't be that cold in August--but it got pretty close. Everyone was in Fleece, some in gloves, some with hats on. Everyone was huddled around the fire. I think it was Saturday night after the feast.

The truth is, it was to darn cold to drop our drawers--for the so called moon shot. My luck I would have been the only one with my pants around my ankles, and a new avatar to boot.