Adirondack summer gathering--BBQ

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The weather has been lowsy over here as of late. Nothing a good bonfire can't overcome. Did you guys here we got snow on Whiteface last week? Pretty freaky.

Chomp--glad to here you can make it. See you some time. friday night or saturday morning.
Newbi here, got the hiking bug... just hiked slide mtn in catskills and felt pretty good, 43 male 1 so so knee getting into shape.. would like if possible to join.. will watch post
Peak_bgr/Spence, I haven't posted since you first started this thread months ago... I have a semi-annual computer thing I do in Boston that falls on this weekend, otherwise I would be 100% there. Catch you at the folks at the next gathering!

If things go to plan I will be arriving with my wife and eldest son on Thursday evening. We will be driving up from Niagara, so no idea what time. We'll be leaving early Sunday morning to visit with my youngest son who is at camp in the eastern townships.
This could all change at the last minute as work could interupt my best laid plans.

As for hiking I'll perhaps go for either Haystack or join Tim on the Avalanche Mt. bushwhack on the Friday and then join the group doing the Jay range on Saturday. My wife can't hike unfortunately and I'll have to do some serious arm bending to get my son (15)to come along with me.

Hope to see you all Thursday! I'll bring two 6 packs... one from Quebec and one from Ontario.

Phil-- I don't believe my wife will be hiking either. So, they can go shopping in Placid while we're trekking in the Jays.

Coldfeet-- Come join the fun.

See everyone in a week. Keep your fingers crossed. A friend is lending my a tent for the festivities. He said it's about the length of five picnic benches, just in case.
Since I had to bail on the Catskill trip, and just cancelled my Northern Presidentials trip due to the storms coming up the coast, I want to confirm I'll definitely be attending the ADK BBQ. Spence, I'd like to arrive sometime late afternoon (4-6?) on Thursday with my Taj Michael tent, and I'll be hiking Street with Teejay and whoever else on Friday. After that I'll play it by ear (or knee).
prino and others interested int he Haystack hike. If you are staying at Spencers on Thursday night, you can make arrangements with crazymamma and possibly carpool. If not at spence's, we are planning at meeting at the Rooster Comb trailhead at 6:45 and carpooling it up to the garden trailhead.
Micheal I'll see you thursday afternoon. If you get here around four, I'm on my way home; so make yourself at home. Set up tent where ever you'd like.
If anyone needs a ride

I'll be heading to Spence's on Thursday. Leaving the Syracuse area noon-ish, hitting Utica one-ish, Amsterdam two-ish, Lake George-ADK Headquarters three-ish (new map and guidebook), rest area on Northway at MP 82 four-ish (tantalizing views of some high peaks), Spence's five-ish, beer five-oh-one-ish.

There'll be plenty of room in my van. Email, PM or call 315 689-1883.

Will return on Sunday, sometime after Noonmark Diner breakfast perhaps by a different route. Newcomb-Long Lake-Blue Mountain Lake-Old Forge-Utica. Possible short climb along the way, Goodnow or Rondax (Bald) depending on the weather.

Spence--I don't get out of work until 11pm friday night--so I'll be showing up around 2-3 in the am. I'll probably sleep in my car to avoid waking people up. What time on saturday do you plan on taking off for saddleback-jay so I can set an alarm. much beer should I bring--One of my local area brew pubs sells firkins, I'm not sure how big that is, but it's a small keg type of deal.
One of the small kegs should be good. There will be plenty of others bringing food and drink. As for the Jay hike, I was thinking about leaving my place around 8-9am.
BoB plans on arriving 8PM Thursday...I'd like to hike BIG Slide one day, Rocky Peak Ridge another.
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Bob some of use may be doing a thru hike spotting cars at the roaring brook trail and new russia. Hiking up giant, over to rocky ridge, bald peak and out. Tentative for Sat. im sure there will be alot of discussion fri night as to exact plans.
Alternate route from the east?

Originally posted by peak_bgr Directions to my house are. Going North on I87 (northway) get off exit 32 and go right. Going south get off and go left. Continue one mile down that road County Route 12, You will pass Moss road on the left, the shortly Hulbert Road on the right. I am the next house on the left after a sharp left hand turn. It is a tan ansd green ranch house. My jeep will be in the yard, it's the one full of stickers. [/B]
Looking at my maps (I LOVE maps), I see what might be a fun alternate route coming from the east (Portsmouth NH). Is there a car ferry that runs between Essex NY to CHarlotte VT? Does it have regular hours? Because I see I can run up I-89 to Burlington, cut down to Charlotte and then through Essex. Is the road drivable from your house to Rte 22 in Essex?

Fun route

There is a car ferry that runs from Charlotte, VT to Essex, NY. It's not on your map? There is a regular schedule. See Heading west from Essex pick up County Rt. 12 from Rt. 22. That will take you right to Spence's house, with a couple of turns. If you reach I-87, you went too far. The road is driveable, heck, it's even paved.

A better, longer (and more expensive) ferry ride is from Burlington to Port Kent. The views of the northern Adirondacks ahead and the Green Mountains behind are spectacular.

'Twas me though, I would get off I-89 just past White River Junction and take Rt. 4 west through Rutland to Rt 22A north at Fair Haven, VT. The views of the Adirondacks across the Lake Champlain valley from Vermont are unsurpassed. I think on a clear day you can see more Adirondack high peaks from this road than from any road in New York. From 22A you head north on Rt. 7 at Vergennes and look for signs, "Ferry to New York" at Charlotte or continue into Burlington for the other ferry.

This route will not take very much longer than Rt. 89 into Burlington. Just don't try to make up extra time on Rt. 4. I didn't the last time.


Had to wait untill 12:00 but i bought some local long island beer! Don't ask what it's called I have no idea. My wife upped my life insurance and told me i had 5 days to go out and have fun. I want to hike sat and sun, maybe do rafting on mon and try Marcy tues and wed. Am i crazy? Ps do i need a bear cannister if i camp out and try Marcy?
Directions from the Essex Ferry to my place. I'm about 15 minute or less from the ferry (west).

As you leave the ferry and head onto the main road, take a left. Go to the stop sign that's only feet away and take a right. Follow this road, you will cross a set of railroad tracks, then shortly after ther is a sharp left hand turn. Directly in this turn there is a road on the right, take this road (CR12). If goes down hill and crosses the river, then forks. Go right again. Follow this road to a T and a stop sign. 3 minutes. Go right. Follow this road through the S turns and straight through the crossroads up the short hill. Keep going for about 3 minutes, through a straight away and down a short hill around a sharp turn, my house will be on the right soon after the hill.

I know this sounds like alot, but it's alot shorter than going into Elizabethtown or to I87 and heading up to my place. Once you get going it's pretty easy and all this happens rather quickly one after another. Look for the VFTT sign out in fron of my house. If you think you need any help with directions let me know or call me. 518-873-2031.
Amusing that all this discussion came up entirely independently of my researching the ferry and emailing peak_bgr about its viability...