Adirondack summer gathering--BBQ

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We're still planning to be there, and are interested in doing the Rocky Peak Ridge trip, at least. It's a "do-over" for us, as we had zero views last time!
I am still in for the Haystack and Rocky Ridge hikes. For those interested, some of us are headed to Coreys and the Sewards on Sun Afternoon and will hike this range (Seward, Donaldson and Emmons only) on Mon.

If all goes well, I am planning to hike the Dix range the next weekend. With that hike, which I plan to finish on East Dix or grace (as a tribute to Grace Hudalowski the first female 46er) I will be a 46er. Will post more info later but I am looking for folks to hike with. I will be able to do Fri/Sat or Sat/Sun
If anyone arrives late, after dark, it might be easier to park in the driveway. When the driveway is full, there is extra parking in two side lots. One just past the house, and one just after. All three will be marked.

The lot past my house is a small drive into part of a Christmas tree farm, just find a spot and follow the trail to my house, you can see the house from the lot.

The lot before my house is a drive into another part of the Christmas tree farm. The drive takes you behind my house into a field of wildflowers, find a nice, safe place to park. My house is right in plain site.

Any further ?? just ask. See you all in three weeks.

Hi Spence,

I am a little confused about the directions. I see that County Route 12 crosses I-87. Do you go east or west on County Route 12?

I'm assuming if coming from the west on 9N, I should get on I-87 going north?
Lyle- from Ogdensburg you will hit I87 somewhere near Plattsburgh right? If so you will need to go south to exit 32 then make a left onto CR12 (east).
Ok-- Friday night reservations are made for dinner. We will be going to Crickets in Peru. It is located off exit 35 and is about 1 minute up on the left. Reservations are for 7pm. Crickets is roughly 20 minutes from my house up I87, we can carpool, and designate a few drivers. They were more than happy to have us join them, they would just like a close count on the total. I told them around 20-30 (big difference I know). The foods great, they have a ton of room, they're always doing weddings a large events, and the people have always been great. I checked on the Baxter Mountain Tavern first; but the only way they would do it is-- we would have to choose from only three dishes, and it would be $25 per person (rediculous). Also we would have to choose either 6:30 and be out be 9 or 9:30 and be out by 11 (also rediculous). Well they lost a good ring.

Also, Sunday breakfast at the Noonmark Diner is a go. They have no problem serving a large group. They just want a small heads up on the count.

See you all in 2 weeks.
Spence - everything sounds great. thanks for all the up front work. I am already psych'd for this trip - I have the whole week off following the gathering and hope to complete my 46 by the following weekend!

I'm on vacation that week, and I plan on being in the ADKs doing Allen and Couch to finish my 46. The days will depend on the forecast. If the timing works out, I would love to attend and meet all of these wonderful people. There is an air show at Westover AFB that I promised my son we would attend, and I'm still not sure if it's the 14-15 or 21-22. Gotta see the Thunderbirds!
So if things pan out, I can't think of a better way to celebrate 46 than with you folks. Thanks for the invite!
We're In.

Spence, we're in. We'll (ADKatie, myself and 2 kids) will be hiking Allen (#44) on Wednesday the 18th (Tom or anyone else, feel free to join us if you like).

My Son, Nick and I will be arriving at the Gathering Thursday Night. My wife ADKatie will arrive Friday evening (with our daughter) and probably join a Sat. hike. I'll have to leave Sat. Afternoon and miss the BBQ :( but I'm glad I'll be there for some of it. Katie and kids will stay.

On Friday, I'm interested in bushwhacking Avalanche Mt. (or another ADK 100). Anyone else interested? If not, We'll link into another group hike that day. (No preference, we'll hike anything :)).

Looking forward seeing "old friends" and meeting new ones. Spence, let me know (via PM) if there is anything I can bring or do to help out. I'm free Thursday, so if you need help setting up or anything just let me know.
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Any other options for Sat's hike?

Aside from the Rocky Peak/Giant trip, any others being discussed for Saturday? Just wondering. I like choices...:D

I'm all over Haystack and if I could come and do that on Friday with you I'd be there for sure, but work beckons.... :(

Spence, looking forward to it!!!
Spence, Brian and I, and maybe a few others are planning on Jay to Saddleback. The summits and part of the ridge walking is out in the open.

Easy bushwack up to Jay. Both peaks are ADK100's but unlike lots of the thick 100's, these have wonderful views in all directions.

The Tradition Continues...

OK, so the tradition continues.....I will not be able to attend the ADK beer/hike fest since I will be in Hawaii again. I just got back from Hawaii and have only been home for a few days and I am heading out there again tomorrow morning. Can you say jet lag???

Sorry if I haven't gotten back to any emails or PM or posts etc. I dont get online much when I am out at Pearl and I returned home to find my home computer DEAD.

Have fun. No picture of fingers required since it is not cold in NE this time.


- darren
Yes, Please bring a dish for Saturday's BBQ and beer of choice from your whereabouts. See you all in a week!

Mrs. peak_bgr
Well, I am happy to say that it looks like I will almost certainly be able to attend! I am not sure if I'll be able to get Friday off work yet, so I don't know exactly when I'll be arriving. I am interested in the Jay and Saddleback hike on Saturday. This is my first VFTT trip to NY so I am looking forward to it.
Have fun. No picture of fingers required since it is not cold in NE this time.

I agree with AlpineSummit. I went backpacking this weekend up the Dry River Trail and I brought my down jacket which I wore when I got up in the a.m. Temps were in the low 40's.