Alpine Zones: Natural vs. Burned

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This is a good thread on one aspect of the natural history of the Northeast. It's interesting to learn what role fire has played in our landscape and how we got some of our views from the top. Please continue.
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Logging was going on on the west side of Liberty but it wasn't the 1908 fire that burned off the top; that fire went no higher than the current tentsites. An account of an 1876 ascent of Liberty by Prof. Pickering describes it as a tough battle through the scrub at the top but he finally reached a small area of open summit--like standing on one tooth of a saw, he says. It would have to have been an earlier fire if fire is the reason at all for Liberty's rocky summit.
Waumbek said:
Logging was going on on the west side of Liberty but it wasn't the 1908 fire that burned off the top; that fire went no higher than the current tentsites. An account of an 1876 ascent of Liberty by Prof. Pickering describes it as a tough battle through the scrub at the top but he finally reached a small area of open summit--like standing on one tooth of a saw, he says. It would have to have been an earlier fire if fire is the reason at all for Liberty's rocky summit.
OTOH it depends on what he meant by "small area". Pehaps that pinnacle was as bare as it is today. The higher southern one might well pass for a "tooth on a saw":


It's such a steep slope on the west one could imagine those rock crags being unvegitated with perhaps scrub growing closer up behind on the west slope.

Maybe the open rock surrounding that "saw tooth" is from hiker's boot erosion! It would be nice to see a picture of this summit say 40 or 50 years ago, past the logging/fire era but before the mass hiking era.
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1907 Fire and Mt. Bond

Belcher's Logging Railroads of the White Mountains quotes several contemporary descriptions of the devastating 1907 fire that started on the east side of Owls Head sometime before August 17th. By August 27th, "'Mt. Bond [was] swept clean, the easterly slope of Mt. Garfield burned over, and the southerly slope of Mt. Guyot fiercely burning with flames eating up Mt. Lafayette.'" Another report from August 29th notes that fire broke out again on Mt. Guyot. A later account put the fire "'nearly to the summit of Garfield . . .'" Belcher notes inaccuracies in some of the reports but all of them seem to agree that the Mt. Bond summit was burned bare in 1907. Lightning set off the blaze, which was then fed by the huge piles of slash from the J. E. Henry logging operations.
Waumbek said:
Belcher's Logging Railroads of the White Mountains quotes several contemporary descriptions of the devastating 1907 fire that started on the east side of Owls Head sometime before August 17th. By August 27th, "'Mt. Bond [was] swept clean, the easterly slope of Mt. Garfield burned over, and the southerly slope of Mt. Guyot fiercely burning with flames eating up Mt. Lafayette.'" Another report from August 29th notes that fire broke out again on Mt. Guyot. A later account put the fire "'nearly to the summit of Garfield . . .'" Belcher notes inaccuracies in some of the reports but all of them seem to agree that the Mt. Bond summit was burned bare in 1907. Lightning set off the blaze, which was then fed by the huge piles of slash from the J. E. Henry logging operations.
Could a botanist tell if the plants growing on a particular summit (ie. Bondcliff) are the result of an advantageous species moving in after a burn or a naturally occurring alpine plant species? Bondcliff is such a low alpine zone (4265') considering it's large summit area. Higher elevation Mountains (such as Carrigan - 4680') do not have nearly the alpine-type areas like Bondcliff.

-Dr. Wu
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dr_wu002 said:
Could a botanist tell if the plants growing on a particular summit (ie. Bondcliff) are the result of an advantageous species moving in after a burn or a naturally occurring alpine plant species?
Probably, if you could find one familiar with various indicator species (don't look at me, I have no formal training; I got turned off from biology after all those dissections of formaldehyde-preserved animals) From NH Natural Heritage Inventory's report on Alpine and Subalpine Vegetation of the White Mountains (Sperduto and Cogbill, 1999):
The vegetation of New Hampshire’s Presidential Range has been the subject of considerable study over the past 150 years. In contrast, alpine and subalpine summits elsewhere in the White Mountains have received relatively little attention from botanists, ecologists, and land managers, with a few notable exceptions. This report considers alpine and subalpine vegetation throughout the White Mountains, and is part of a broader systematic inventory of the floristics, plant communities, environmental attributes, and human factors associated with alpine vegetation in the northeastern United States. In addition, we seek to inform stewardship of alpine species and communities by identifying their locations, significance, and associated management issues.

We have documented 35 peaks outside the Presidential Range in New Hampshire with alpine or subalpine vegetation, all of which are at least one acre in size, and most of which are greater than five acres. Twenty-four of these peaks are over 4000' elevation, and 11 are lower but generally higher than 3500'. All contain heath/krummholz communities, and more than half have some dwarf shrub/sedgerush meadows or barrens typical of higher alpine areas. Some of these peaks have naturally rugged summits with essentially no soil. Franconia Ridge, Bondcliff, Guyot, Baldface Ridge, Moosilauke, Cannon Mountain, the Mahoosuc Range, and the Shelburne-Moriah vicinity contain the great majority of the acreage, with more than 600 acres total. Of these, only Franconia Ridge and South Twin exceed climatic treeline at 4900 feet. We have also documented numerous lower elevation cliffs, talus slopes, river gorges, and rocky ridges that have certain alpine or subalpine affinities. There are approximately 70 plant species in alpine areas of the White Mountains that are either rare in New Hampshire or restricted to alpine and subalpine habitats. There is a distinct decrease in the diversity of alpine-restricted species from larger and higher peaks to lower and smaller peaks. More than 200 other species of vascular plants are documented from alpine peaks and other habitats with alpine affinities. Many of these are found only in areas protected by latemelting snowpacks above treeline or on subalpine or lower elevation ledges. Overall plant composition relates well to elevation range, area, and range of soil moisture conditions.

Alpine zones typically consist of complex community mosaics in which patches of vegetation cover or grow among a matrix of bedrock, stone, talus, and/or gravel with or without thin organic soil layers. We have defined five major groups of alpine and subalpine plant communities from the data set, plus a sixth group of montane vegetation transitional to subalpine heath/krummholz found on lower ridges and ledges. Each of these major groups can be divided into two or more finer-scale communities for a total of 13 alpine/subalpine types (15 total with montane types). Some of these communities and constituent species are restricted to the higher peaks, while others are restricted to lower subalpine peaks.

Human use and impacts vary considerably among peaks. Most retain significant areas of largely natural vegetation with localized zones of trampled vegetation, soil erosion, and unofficial trail development. A few peaks are trail-less and remain intact, while several have been heavily trampled or reduced to gravel or bedrock with little hope of recovery at current recreational levels. Fires have certainly modified the extent of total open habitat on some subalpine peaks, although most were likely open to some extent prior to European settlement. At most summits, some combination of stewardship efforts will be needed to retain or stabilize existing natural vegetation, or in some cases to rehabilitate denuded areas.
The alpine zone of New Hampshire occurs at high elevations above treeline in the White Mountains where severe climatic conditions prevail and a community of low mat-forming shrubs, sedges, rushes, grasses, mosses, and lichens dominate. The flora is most similar to that of the eastern Canadian Arctic and coastal barrens. Sixty-two percent of the plant species in the
Presidential Range are restricted to alpine tundra. Among these, Prenanthes boottii (Boott's rattlesnake-root) is endemic to northeastern U.S. alpine areas, Potentilla robbinsiana (Robbin's or dwarf cinquefoil) is endemic to the White Mountains, and Geum peckii (mountain avens) is endemic to the White Mountains and several stations in Nova Scotia, giving New Hampshire and
other New England tundra a distinct floristic signature. Permafrost and frost phenomena characterize parts of the Presidential Range, the largest and most diverse of the region’s alpine areas. The vegetation is exposed to high winds, a short growing season, low temperatures, heavy cloud cover and fog, high precipitation and fog interception, and mostly well drained soils with
low nutrient availability and high organic matter content.

At a global scale, treeline follows a latitudinal gradient corresponding approximately to the 10-12o Celsius July isotherm, and, consequently, declines in elevation with increasing latitude (Cogbill and White 1991; Cogbill et al. 1997). In New Hampshire, climatic treeline occurs at approximately 4900' elevation. However, alpine and subalpine vegetation can be found at lower elevations due to local compensating factors (e.g. wind-exposed ridges and summits with shallow, poorly developed soils, or fire histories). These lower elevation alpine areas are generally smaller and have communities with fewer alpine-restricted species. Figure 1 shows the distribution of alpine and subalpine peaks and ledges in New Hampshire.

Some subalpine summits or ridgelines may have been originally opened by fires of natural or human origin, sometimes pushing the ecosystem over the "resiliency threshold" (Bormann and Likens 1979) where recovery to original forest could take centuries due to loss of soil. Other examples, particularly many subalpine sites with severe exposures, appear to have been open for
at least many centuries based on the earliest accounts, although fire may have altered the proportion of forest versus open and woodland area (Whitney and Moeller 1982).
1. High elevation and large alpine peaks (Presidential Range, Franconia Ridge, Moosilauke, Bondcliff) -
48 species are largely restricted to these summits, ridges, and ravines, including Rhododendron lapponicum
(Lapland rosebay), Geum peckii, Phyllodoce caerulea (mountain-heath), and Luzula spicata (spiked
a. Alpine Garden and ravines which include Cassiope hypnoides (moss bell-heather), Epilobium
hornemannii (Hornemann's willow-herb), Arnica lanceolata (arnica), and other snowbank or wet-site species.
b. Drier ridges and summits which lack these snowbank species.

2. Lower or smaller alpine and subalpine peaks - These peaks typically lack all of the 48 species from higher
peaks but contain up to 22 other alpine/subalpine restricted species. However, some have several rare species
which are absent from higher peaks, including Calamagrostis lacustris (pond reed bent-grass), Paronychia
argyrocoma var. albimontana (silvering), Pinus banksiana (jack pine), Geocaulon lividum (northern
comandra), and Oryzopsis canadensis (Canadian rice-grass).
a. Peaks that still contain Carex bigelowii, Diapensia lapponica, and sometimes Solidago cutleri, Hierochloe
alpina, and Salix uva-ursi.
b. Peaks that lack most or all of the above species, but still usually have Juncus trifidus, Agrostis mertensii
(boreal bentgrass), Minuartia groenlandica (mountain sandwort), Vaccinium boreale, and Huperzia
selago (northern fir clubmoss).
c. Lower peaks with little else but Vaccinium uliginosum, Empetrum nigrum or more frequently E.
atropurpureum, Vaccinium vitis-idaea, and Cetraria islandica.

3. High elevation cliffs, landslides, and exposed notches - Few if any alpine species are present in these areas
except Juncus trifidus and Agrostis mertensii.

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