AMC's Trail Sign Auction has started

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Does the WMNF auction their old signs? The cost might come down as the market is saturated. I'd like to get a sign, but the prices are way too high for me.
That's some serious coin. If I had that much money to spare I'd rather donate it as a tax-deductible gift to the trail fund than use it for an auction purchase.
Does the WMNF auction their old signs?
I've never known them to be sold. Since the USFS signs are US Government property, selling them would be a rather involved procedure. I suspect they're just piling up in a corner somewhere.
This is true....but good luck determining "fair value". One could argue that "fair value" is exactly what you just paid for it on ebay :D.

It's a collectible item, so its value would have to be based on a certified appraisal. The appraiser would likely look at how much other signs similar to it have sold for, and establish a value based on that. And in the end, you've probably paid about the same as its fair market value ... plus an appraiser's fees.
We who hike the Whites are pretty passionate about them. Most of us can't justify the cost of one of the signs, but wouldn't it be nice. If they weren't so pricey and unique, the wow factor might not be so high.
These guys need to get into a marketing mindset and circulate these signs out a) after they're weathered, well used and b) before they look like kindling. I'll bid on some of the RMC signs, though. AMC stuff is too $$$ to rationalize.
These guys need to get into a marketing mindset and circulate these signs out a) after they're weathered, well used and b) before they look like kindling. I'll bid on some of the RMC signs, though. AMC stuff is too $$$ to rationalize.

The RMC may want to remove the sign to auction it before you cant tell what trail the sign is for:D
Taking to concept to its logical conclusion the trail club can have a employee assigned to sit at a popular trail junction with a case of identical signs and then sit there all day bolting and unbolting a sign and then certifying that the sign was an actual trail signs removed from use. Sort of like the US capital flags that congressmen used to hand out.

I do agree that the RMC signs up for auction are a tad bit beat, but it may be related to the RMC's trail sign replacement efforts are largely supported by volunteers while AMC has a paid crew.
What I like about the RMC signs - I've never even heard of several of the trails. :D