Anyone interested in a VFTT outing to Monodnock ?

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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2003
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Near the Adirondack Blue Line
Is anyone up for a hike up Monodnock sometime this Fall or Winter?
I've passed by this peak for over 20 years, busy with other mountains.
We did a family and friends hike to Monodnock summer before last and it was a blast. While its crowded on top, walking above the treeline for a long time was fun, and its a short enough day to allow dinner and adult beverages afterward.
I'm in the neighborhood, so I'd be up for it. Winter works best for me, that's when the crowds thin out a little bit. Early morning starts definitly help as well.
Do you mean Mount Monadnock in Jaffrey NH? There's another in VT near Colebrook NH, but I don't think it has an exposed summit.

If it is the one in Jaffrey, I'd be interested, but only in winter.
Any time for me. I live 10 miles away and was up the Dublin trail last month for the 1st time in years. Pumpelly sounds good for a group trip, or some of the lesser travelled trails on the south side.
Quietman said:
Pumpelly sounds good for a group trip, or some of the lesser travelled trails on the south side.
Sounds good. I'd be up for that.

Mrs. KD and I would be interested in a fall or winter gathering. We usually use Monadnock as a November trip once or twice to get in shape for backpacking season in the Whites. Who wants to make this an overnight? It's pretty plush there-bathrooms- and fire rings in the campsites-and a camp store. Andrew and Mike do a great job there.
BoB is in...

I am 'red-lining' Mt. Monadnock.
I also have a camp nearby if anyone wants to stay there. It is a hike-in spot in Marlow NH.
Looks like even at this early date there is interest. Maybe a Saturday in late October with an alternative weather backup date.
Looking to hear from a few other folks still.
Perfect timing!!!!! Count me in Please -
I was on Mt. Wachusett yesterday and saw a Mountain almost directly north of me, about 25-35 miles away It had a long distinctive ridge. I couldn't wait to get home to see what it was on my Nat Geo Topo. Naturally it was Monadnock. Our new house is about 1 hour almost directly south (right by Wachusett).

I'd love to hook up with VFTT folks there!!!!!
October is close enough to winter for me.

sardog1: Thank you, I am aware that Monadnock and many other NH state parks do not allow pets. In any case, I would not bring a dog on a large group hike. Too many unknown people could lead to too many unpredictable situations.

Rick: If you see a big white dog wearing a blue halter on Wachusett, that's me (or rather, I'm the human at the other end of the leash). Hope you enjoy learning the trails!
Where do I sign up? A 15min drive will beat the 3hr drive to the Whites. I was on the Monadnock (well Bald Rock) yesterday with the kids. Like Bob I am slowly redlining it also.

Just a heads up for the weekend of October 23rd, Keene, NH will be putting on their annual Pumpkin Festival. Last year they had over 28,000 jack-o-lanterns lite in the downtown area. It is a pretty cool site to see.
I'm interested. I've actually never hiked Monadnock! Whether I can make it or not depends on the date you pick. My hiking calendar is quite full (LOL).