Anyone interested in a VFTT outing to Monodnock ?

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Depending on dates, we could end up with a fairly large turnout.
If this were the case, maybe we arrange to all meet at the trailhead at a given time and then break it into another group(s).
We could really make this interesting by then swapping groups at the summit, so folks could visit with most everyone?

Does anyone know of some good places to meet afterword for dinner and beverages, and in close proximity to the main trailhead? Perhaps west, back towards Vermont and NYS?
There are numerous spots in Keene, 15 minutes west of most trail heads, which wouldn't be too far west for those of us who live to the east. I can do some research if that looks like an option. BrianW might also know more about specific spots.
Peakbagr said:
Depending on dates, we could end up with a fairly large turnout.
If this were the case, maybe we arrange to all meet at the trailhead at a given time and then break it into another group(s).
We could really make this interesting by then swapping groups at the summit, so folks could visit with most everyone?

Does anyone know of some good places to meet afterword for dinner and beverages, and in close proximity to the main trailhead? Perhaps west, back towards Vermont and NYS?

Keene's probably got some good eateries. And, as someone suggested, if the hike coincides with the Pumpkin Festival, the post-hike show could be fun.
Like LittleBear said, it would depend on the date set. I've been there but once. I thought it quite nice but would rather drive the distance north than south. But if Little Bear or anyone else would be interested in car pooling (she's not too far from me) I would enjoy it all the more.
During the pumpkin fest, Keene can be a madhouse and I'm thinking that finding space for a large group at an eatery might be a challenge. They close down Main st and mobs of people come to town
link to pumpkin fest
Just a warning.
Quietman is correct about downtown Keene and local food/drinking establishments being crowded. I just mentioned the Pumpkin fest. because I have found it a lot of fun in the past.

For post hikes spots in Keene I would suggest Magaritas (mexican) right on Main St. or Elm City Brewery at the Colony Mill (West St.) I can vouch for the 1st for the food/drinks, at Elm City I have only had appertizers and beer.

I would also suggest Kimbles Farm but they close I think in late Sept or early October.

By the way Jaffery will have its annual Fireworks Celebration on August 21st. The area will be crowded in the pm hours.

Peakbagr mentioned stating a date, time and meeting at the parking lot. Sounds this maybe the best idea.
I've never hiked Monadnock and would welcome other s-l-o-w hikers for company :)

I've always been leery about joining group hikes because I'd either feel pressure to try and keep up or guilty for slowing others down. If you feel the same way, don't! I have been outpaced by moluscs and the swifter lichen.

Maybe the slow contingent could start earlier and aim for a summit rendevous with the fleeter of foot.

Bob, I am a slow hiker as well (at least going uphill)

Reference: I just hiked Wachusett last night on the Pine Hill Trail and it took me exactly 26 minutes. 4 minutes short of the estimated time required on the park map (Which I assume is usually realistically aimed at slower families with small children).

BTW can I just shout out "I LOVE LIVING IN MA" I could see Mondadnock last night from the top of Wachusett. The clouds were blowing and it just felt incredible to be on a NE peak again (albeit it a smaller one, I'll take what I can get!!!!!!)

I am getting a tingling feeling all over thinking about all of the snow we'll get up here as opposed to Easton PA.

Monadnock has lots to offer in terms of diverse trails. I'd suggest that rather than a staggered start, the group split into slow, moderate, and fast, matching each to trail options (i.e. slow on White Dot/Cross, moderate on Birchtoft/Red Spot, fast on Pumpelly). That way all could meet at the summit which is always crowded. I'd also suggest a real early start, as it can get quite annoying to move over every 30 seconds to let someone come by. Another suggeston is to select lesser used trails for descent (White Dot is by far the most popular)

Depending on the date, I'd be up for joining in on this hike.

BTW, this is a great mountain to introduce new hikers to a "big mountain" hike. It has extensive ledge hiking and great views.
This hike is beginning to sound enticing. I am on the susp of finishing my ADK 46 and I am looking to expand my hiking horizons beyond the dacks and catskills. Depending on the exact date I may join.
Count us in!

cantdog, LittleBear, Carole, anyone else who might want to carpool from the Merrimack/Nashua area - your welcome to meet at/by our house and drive over together - we have a large suburban that will seat 6 - 8 people.
My wife Kelly and I would love to join you all on the hike to Monadnock. Its a fun climb and the Pumpelly Ridge trail is a nice one. We are also members of the Slow Hikers Society of America and give thanks to HikerBob for giving us the courage to come forward with our conditions :D
Definitely count me in, unless it's the weekend of Oct 23rd, when the best man duties that are keeping me from going to the Gathering will culminate in raucous partying (and hopefully wedded bliss for my friends).
Did I miss the date?

Has a date been set for this hike? maybe i just missed it. I try to hike monadnock at least 2 or 3 time a month sence it's only 15 minutes from my home. There are lot's of options for hikes, it can be a short 4 miler or a 12 miler. What ever you do don't go on Columbus day weekend or any of the peak foliage weekends, tooooo many people. although there are trails which avoid the crowds the summit will be crazy.
LittleBear said:
Carpooling would work for me!

Carpooling is an excellent idea. Someone suggested the Pumpelly trail, but it if I recall correctly, it has a tiny parking lot. My personal favorite is the Marlboro trail. It is a bit steep, but it doesn't have the crowds. It also has a nice side hike to Monte Rosa.


Timing is everything! I have twice had the sumit to myself. Once was a bright Tuesday in February, the other was this past July 5th (Monday Holiday), when I reached the summit just after 7:30 on a raw day. I think that an early start is best.